Here is the letter:
Here is another source for the anti-Twitter folks.
If you look at the top of the page you see a 9:45 timestamp and then at the bottom of the letter he says we will have a meeting tomorrow at 9:05 to discuss it all.
Q post 945
Q post 905
Twatter in receivership in 24 days?
Shut em down!
24hrs to respond.
He did, smartly.
Public view.
That's actually worth a dig for curious reasons. Going to ask some folks I knew that worked at Twitter.
EDIT:They use an in-house system that is custom built. Regularly there is a 5 minute delay for Video Conferencing to Sync up with buffering and encryption:
Ultimately they did revert to Google Hangouts:
This removed the 5 min VC Bottleneck:
Thus we are beholden to a timeline of the 5 mins layerover indeed being something that did happen regularly in the past due to VC Startup and that no longer is in effect. A 5 minute lapse is indeed more suspect than not since 2015.
src1: src2: