I have OCD, and I believe to a degree "tourettes", but many of these things manifest in unusual ways. It's not always textbook (Im an RN as well). As an example, when I was younger I would get very strong compulsions to make these "growling" type sounds every once in a while. I'm sure she is aware of it but it is nearly excruciating to ignore the ticks when one is starting. I have somehow grown out of most all of my ticks and am fairly "normal" now. I get it though, the thought to hum is likely all consuming and will drive her frantic if she doesn't complete it.
Looking up inside her head? Like her eyes roll all the way up, or she just looks up for a few seconds? One of my oldest friends has what are called 'away seizures' due to epilepsy. He'll look up for a few seconds, then he sort of comes back to us, blinking and getting back in to the conversation.
I have OCD, and I believe to a degree "tourettes", but many of these things manifest in unusual ways. It's not always textbook (Im an RN as well). As an example, when I was younger I would get very strong compulsions to make these "growling" type sounds every once in a while. I'm sure she is aware of it but it is nearly excruciating to ignore the ticks when one is starting. I have somehow grown out of most all of my ticks and am fairly "normal" now. I get it though, the thought to hum is likely all consuming and will drive her frantic if she doesn't complete it.
Please make her aware of it somehow. I didn't find out I was "different" until very late in life. Now I try to catch myself.
Looking up inside her head? Like her eyes roll all the way up, or she just looks up for a few seconds? One of my oldest friends has what are called 'away seizures' due to epilepsy. He'll look up for a few seconds, then he sort of comes back to us, blinking and getting back in to the conversation.
Could be epilepsy in that case.
I am praying for you and her🥰 What a strong person you must be.
I’d certainly appreciate some on my behalf if you’d not mind. I’m Amy