Thank you and these are part of the past civilizations connected with Racine that everyone should be asking questions about.
Man Mound, the Mound Builders, Rock Lake and Lake Michigan formations, Aztalan and so many more connections to past civilizations connect back to Wisconsin and the Root. What did Admiral Byrd claim happened on his expeditions funded out of Racine to Little America and beyond? What route did they take?
No media will ever dare touch the real Truth of Racine, even when Kenosha, Waukesha, the election rigging, COVID, Zika, Rotary, Rockefeller and Gates, Agenda 21, NXIVM, human trafficking, slavery, community policing, and so many other huge stories are so closely connected to it.
Everyone in the world should be “digging” into Racine.
”Among the many questions it addresses are: The Biblical location of the heavenly portal used by angels to enter the earthly realm.”
What is the Path of Souls, who are the Mound Builders, and why is Southeast Wisconsin the closest point on Earth through Orion and the Milky Way?
”Satan, who has constantly sought to stop God’s plans and destroy the souls of humanity, used a select group of angels to interbreed with human women and try to corrupt human DNA. By altering humanity from being no longer fully human, Satan could ensure that a pure human Messiah would never be born.”
What is Carthage? What is In the land of Canaan? How is it connected with 1000 points of light?
This article is not entirely accurate, but is connected.
The Meadowcroft Rockshelter, just south of Pittsburgh, is the oldest known human settlement in North America, dating back about 16,000 years. What if its inhabitants had migrated South, like a prehistoric Steeler Nation, carrying a cultural memory of the Point? She envisions them leaving a trail of burial mounds as they went, with their descendents eventually arriving in the Yucatan to become the great pyramid builders of the Maya.
She discovered that a local mystic and spiritual healer, Nance Stewart, of Valencia, had had visions of just such a migration, with ancient humans crossing on a glacier and settling in Meadowcroft before moving south to the Yucatan. Ms. Stewart, a retired crisis intervention worker, believes the heavenly portal at the Point is why Pittsburgh has been the birthplace of so many things, from the first Hindu temple in the United States to the Catholic charismatic movement.
In the vision, Ms. Stewart saw that the confluence at the Point was one of 12 portals worldwide -- some of the countries where others are located include Australia, China and Israel -- "that would bring universal light." Before 2012, she said, the aquifer feeding the fountain, known as the Wisconsin Glacial Flow, will produce healing waters so powerful that people will come from all over the world.
"It will be something like Lourdes," she said.
What is Holy Hill and the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes? What trail is it on? What did Tim Dolan do there? Is the Vatican corrupt and attempting to eliminate true Christianity through One World Religion?
What are they attempting to do with human DNA now as they did with the Nephilim?
Yes, although one of the locations shows the skeleton of a normal-sized female in their museum. The Smithsonian is alleged to have several giant skeletons that they're hiding from the public.
My son in law read that they had them dumped in huge crates in the deepest part of the ocean so the public would never see them as they backed up the Bible and creation rather than evolution.
They don’t want anyone to know the truth of what really existed. If you really think about it, nearly every legend/myth/story that is worldwide over several centuries ie; dragons, unicorns, bigfoot/sasquatch, ufo’s & aliens, giants, ogres, trolls, gnomes and fairies, mermaids, selkies, krakken, all have some shred of truth behind them
Trey Smith has several films where he takes the viewer through the Bible I find Trey easy to listen to, he makes these for everyone and many are available, he also makes you want to learn more.
The Path of Truth is Fauci > Cornell > Rockefeller > Gates > Rotary > Racine, Wisconsin.
The swamp is global.
The Bavarian Illuminati never disbanded after begin created in 1776. They moved to Racine.
Joe Rogan and Alex Jones can expose the Root anytime they are ready. Will they?
We must all focus on One Model, One Table to Flip, and One Root to Expose.
Racine is the Root of the entire Agenda.
I'm glad you showed up T3. I did some digging on those mounds in Wisconsin:
Thank you and these are part of the past civilizations connected with Racine that everyone should be asking questions about.
Man Mound, the Mound Builders, Rock Lake and Lake Michigan formations, Aztalan and so many more connections to past civilizations connect back to Wisconsin and the Root. What did Admiral Byrd claim happened on his expeditions funded out of Racine to Little America and beyond? What route did they take?
No media will ever dare touch the real Truth of Racine, even when Kenosha, Waukesha, the election rigging, COVID, Zika, Rotary, Rockefeller and Gates, Agenda 21, NXIVM, human trafficking, slavery, community policing, and so many other huge stories are so closely connected to it.
Everyone in the world should be “digging” into Racine.
Thanks for the additional info, T3!
I grew up in Iowa, and we learned a bit about the native american effigy mounds. If memory serves, they were burial sites.
What is the Path of Souls, who are the Mound Builders, and why is Southeast Wisconsin the closest point on Earth through Orion and the Milky Way?
What is Carthage? What is In the land of Canaan? How is it connected with 1000 points of light?
This article is not entirely accurate, but is connected.
What is Holy Hill and the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes? What trail is it on? What did Tim Dolan do there? Is the Vatican corrupt and attempting to eliminate true Christianity through One World Religion?
What are they attempting to do with human DNA now as they did with the Nephilim?
Fascinating, fren. I will have to look into all of this. Thanks!
Are they of giants?
Yes, although one of the locations shows the skeleton of a normal-sized female in their museum. The Smithsonian is alleged to have several giant skeletons that they're hiding from the public.
My son in law read that they had them dumped in huge crates in the deepest part of the ocean so the public would never see them as they backed up the Bible and creation rather than evolution.
They don’t want anyone to know the truth of what really existed. If you really think about it, nearly every legend/myth/story that is worldwide over several centuries ie; dragons, unicorns, bigfoot/sasquatch, ufo’s & aliens, giants, ogres, trolls, gnomes and fairies, mermaids, selkies, krakken, all have some shred of truth behind them
Trey Smith has several films where he takes the viewer through the Bible I find Trey easy to listen to, he makes these for everyone and many are available, he also makes you want to learn more.