Because there's absolutely no way that combining sadomasochistic levels of guilt-tripping, self abuse and sexual frustration/denial and throwing that both on priests and laymen for 1500 years straight could give any bad results, right ?
Exactly. That is why my husband; once he left his Mother's house, got away from the Catholic Church. All because of that verse in the bible, "And call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven. " Amen.
And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Matthew 23:9 KJV
It is important to use the King James version of the Bible as most other translations have been corrupted in the 1800's by the translation work of two homosexuals, Hort and Westcott. For more on this topic, see my document New Age Bible Translations
The harm is not in the verses that say the same thing. I have done a lot of research on this topic. Read my doc it gives several of the common (to most new age translations) missing verses, changed words and missing/changed phrases.
My sainted grandmother had a tale - she was physically sick at witnessing a priest being visited regularly by a widow in a small town many years ago, and prayed/complained and stressed in cycles for days and days, even transferring anger unto God. Until one day a very large booming voice told her DO NOT CONFUSE THE MASTER WITH THE WORKER.
I'll stick with Peter the Rock of the Church and his true chain, which honestly I believe is not the current "Resident" in the Vatican, as the election was corrupted many years and several popes ago... We will keep the sacraments, our beloved Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels, miracles, and re-create the Last Supper in homes, just like it was in the beginning, as we have to.
No. Peter was the first pastor not the first Pope. Peter could not have even been a Pope anyway he was married. The Bible says he had a mother in law. Nobody is “sainted” by man. Every Christian is considered a Saint. Don’t keep the sacralidge of Mary or Angels. Where is this In the Bible?
You've clearly been misled greatly about Catholicism; you hit about every common myth told. I highly suggest you watch any of the videos made by protestants who learn the truth, they get very surprised and some convert after they realize all the lies they've been told. God bless you.
Ohhh now do Jesus.....And how he is exactly like Osiris-Dionysis who was greek, who was based off Osiris who was Egyptian. Who was the human son of Gods.......Ohhh wee I love Religious debates. Especially when the pot is calling the kettle black and not realizing you are fucked up too lol. Ohhh also do Xmas.....who are we REALLY celebrating with the trees of life and fertility balls. kek
With this drivel—leave the word “we” out of all future replies. “We” are not in the same kingdom. You are either in Christ, or you are being used by Satan.
Jesus Christ was the only Son of any God that I know of that set everyone free from the slavery that they were under via the religious and political sphere. His death allows us to worship as we want where we want. He also dismantled the "Church" (brick and mortar) ideal that you had to go to a priest at a temple for forgiveness in exchange for blood offerings and gifts to the powers that be. Every single God or Son of God that existed prior/after only furthered the slave state. He also called out the hypocrisy of the leaders at the time showing them then and now that man cannot be trusted with control over man. He fought for equal treatment of everyone.
You tell me one other deity ever that has done this?
Read the book!
Like most good things people will try to destroy them or use them to their advantage. If you knew about it you would know about it.
Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and is the Son of the One True God!
Ok, I am not here to destroy Jesus. Nor am I trying to convert anyone otherwise. How and what you choose to believe from your FAITH shouldnt be judged so long as you arent molesting kids, causing harm. But whats wrong with someone who says yes, Spiritually there is something larger than us, but I do not believe in Jesus as it was written about by mens....his-story. I believe we are all here together experiencing this time line....this low fucked level of 3d.....because we need growth spiritually. We need to learn to let go of the "categories" of what makes our Religions different, and just look at teachings. Why cant I pull and use Jesus teachings, any different than say someone who worships all things as sacred? I choose to believe all plants and animals have a soul, even the Earth. I choose to believe do unto others as you want done unto you. My issue isnt with just Christianity, it's with ANY and ALL Religions that set to block ones teachings. Ones that block and stop us from believing or even hypothesizing. It is just too structured to be "free will". Again these are MY own opinions. I do not expect you to convert, conform, change your mind. I just enjoy holding space and having a conversation.
I remain firmly with the one that is documented to literally exist and that, through their life, brought a level of actual freedom to man kind that had never been known before and has been largely forgotten after. I choose Jesus because it is the only one that doesn't make me a slave to the ways of any man.
There are many parallels between many religions but the ONLY one that doesn't have man dependent on man in some way shape or form is the Teaching of Jesus Christ. (No temples, The high Priest wants a personal relationship with all that know of him, no work MUST be preformed by me to gain salvation [freedom], no man Living or Dead has any power over my decisions, Following Christ is a choice not a demand, free to make mistakes and am forgiven so long as I am honest with my Creator about my mistakes, no money has to be paid and no sacrifice, other than sacrificing things that are not good for me, are required) No WORK must be done by me to be heard or acknowledged by the Father.
I love conversation and you are free to choose as you wish so I am not trying to change your mind either but I will share what I know in hopes that you might see it as well.
Christianity is not what it is taught to the masses and that was done on purpose.
You and I believe alot of the same. When I was Christian, or identified as a Christian I questioned the way it was taught. Then I questioned everything, and had me do a huge dive into it all. All the teaching all the parallels as you said. I believe Jesus story is a mash up al several other deities from through recorded time. Is this bad? No. Not in my opinion "Jesus" had great teachings. Well actually I was brought up Roman Catholic, that structured bullshit was wrong for me, looked into Christianity was never Baptized into it. It's the same stories as the Roman Catholic....I cant put my "faith" into words written by men......twisted by men is more like it.
You are not asked to put your Faith into anything man made though. This is probably the best take away. The Bible is a history book, as you have said, but it has been found to be true, I know parts sound way to crazy to be true but name one religion or structured idea or even scientific fact that doesn't? Only through the repetition of these are people able to grasp the knowledge as possible. That in its self requires Faith. Most scientific facts that we accept today are only theories that haven't been disproven yet, but to say you cannot prove the opposite of something doesn't mean either is true, it means you do not know. Faith is required for life, if you want to believe it or not. Maybe I am a big softy for choosing the one that allows freedom for all in creation and not one of the others that I could use as an excuse to hold myself above another. Jesus Christ is the only example that also gives the individual an ability to communicate with the Creator without intervention of man. It is the only one that declares that all are equal, that none have status over another. The only one that says I am the child of God and you can join me in this simply by accepting that we are all children of God. Jesus Christ didn't make religion, he destroyed it along with the slave state that was born out of it. Accepting Jesus as the Son of the One True God makes you his Child. which would make you....
I am loving the energy you are putting out, no judgement, and well thought out. Thank you!. I do not put my faith in science either. My faith is in God, Source, Spirit, Alla, My creator can be called many things. In my own opinion all "light" Religions, and faith practices connect us to God,, Source: the list continues. All are paths to "salvation?" Or "enlightenment". I am not claiming Christianity is wrong, or I am correct. I could be completely off my rocker. If God created us in His image, and ALSO gave us free will, do you think HE would argue semantics over the way you practice and understand faith? Faith is a very individualistic thing, sure assemble in groups, to grow faith, to ask questions. But spirituality growth is dependent on ones self. And lets say the Crusades never happened, would the rest of the world be going directly to h e double hockey stix? Because they didnt believe in White Jesus? lol Sorry to make light, I try to be humorous in these situations. Also let me be clear, I personally have a painting of Jesus in my living room. He is still a Religious icon and the energies and intentions put into it are still strong and healing. I also have a buddah. And I have an alter with spell candles for protection, and understanding <something I tend to lack...I am quick to violence>.
This is where I must draw a firm line. Jesus set everyone free on Earth. Physically, mentally, spiritually released them of their bondage. It is true that he said that many would argue over his name and in a way I can see how getting all ruffled over what we call him is very similar to having Idols. There is real power in the Name of Christ though, who wasn't "white" ( though not impossible for him to have been, honestly if he were Jewish as it is said then he were likely of the same complexion as the Jews are but they are adamant that they are NOT white! (Caucasian doesn't exist anymore apparently ( that is man trying to have dominion over man Hitler did this with the concept of the perfect race, that man must have been some speaker because he wasn't even close to the Aryans he described). We must be careful with the idea of Faith practices as well, as people are fucking dumb and will get themselves/others hurt (snake handlers) for the sake of proving their Faith, Jesus warns against this, is greater or better than another (again, man trying to have dominion over man) Having a singular means that it is impossible to mistake unless mislead and that would fall on them that mislead.
Crusades...... What part of thou shalt not kill do people miss? They were not Christian but claimed it to say they were sent by God to kill a bunch of Muslim extremist that had just fucked a bunch of stuff up, where on earth have I heard this... It is very familiar. If you do not know the history you are doomed to repeat it. Boy do we LOVE repetition! Hell isn't for everyone, I think that it is more Biblical to understand that few are going to hell, few will make it to heaven and the rest will have never existed in the first place.
Many of your statements align with the teaching of Christ and you are right when you say it is up to the individual for their own spiritual growth. And Faith is very interpersonal. We can agree on those!
I must add that God precedes light. He existed before it, if you use the Creation story of the Bible so God isn't "light" and the bible warns of an Angel of "Light" that comes to deceive man. Really interesting when you open the Quran and see that the figures of light within it are called Djin and are rarely good for humans (
The Christmas tree was a tradition started when St Boniface cut down the pagan holy tree to show it wasn’t a God. Kind of like the way tree worshipping pagans today complain about Christmas Trees.
2000, repeat 2000 yrs the church has had ups and down. the Borgia's were just as bad and we recovered. Luther was a mere 500 yrs ago.
Because there's absolutely no way that combining sadomasochistic levels of guilt-tripping, self abuse and sexual frustration/denial and throwing that both on priests and laymen for 1500 years straight could give any bad results, right ?
Exactly. That is why my husband; once he left his Mother's house, got away from the Catholic Church. All because of that verse in the bible, "And call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven. " Amen.
It is important to use the King James version of the Bible as most other translations have been corrupted in the 1800's by the translation work of two homosexuals, Hort and Westcott. For more on this topic, see my document New Age Bible Translations
Obviously. But what’s curious is you are correcting a verse that SAYS THE SAME EXACT THING. If you research, ESV isn’t the corrupted one. It’s NIV
The ESV is VERY corrupted. See The Damnable English Standard Version and look up all the examples for yourself in Bible Gateway
Not the verse I posted though
The harm is not in the verses that say the same thing. I have done a lot of research on this topic. Read my doc it gives several of the common (to most new age translations) missing verses, changed words and missing/changed phrases.
My sainted grandmother had a tale - she was physically sick at witnessing a priest being visited regularly by a widow in a small town many years ago, and prayed/complained and stressed in cycles for days and days, even transferring anger unto God. Until one day a very large booming voice told her DO NOT CONFUSE THE MASTER WITH THE WORKER.
I'll stick with Peter the Rock of the Church and his true chain, which honestly I believe is not the current "Resident" in the Vatican, as the election was corrupted many years and several popes ago... We will keep the sacraments, our beloved Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels, miracles, and re-create the Last Supper in homes, just like it was in the beginning, as we have to.
No. Peter was the first pastor not the first Pope. Peter could not have even been a Pope anyway he was married. The Bible says he had a mother in law. Nobody is “sainted” by man. Every Christian is considered a Saint. Don’t keep the sacralidge of Mary or Angels. Where is this In the Bible?
You've clearly been misled greatly about Catholicism; you hit about every common myth told. I highly suggest you watch any of the videos made by protestants who learn the truth, they get very surprised and some convert after they realize all the lies they've been told. God bless you.
Ohhh now do Jesus.....And how he is exactly like Osiris-Dionysis who was greek, who was based off Osiris who was Egyptian. Who was the human son of Gods.......Ohhh wee I love Religious debates. Especially when the pot is calling the kettle black and not realizing you are fucked up too lol. Ohhh also do Xmas.....who are we REALLY celebrating with the trees of life and fertility balls. kek
With this drivel—leave the word “we” out of all future replies. “We” are not in the same kingdom. You are either in Christ, or you are being used by Satan.
Fun times ahead!!!
Jesus Christ was the only Son of any God that I know of that set everyone free from the slavery that they were under via the religious and political sphere. His death allows us to worship as we want where we want. He also dismantled the "Church" (brick and mortar) ideal that you had to go to a priest at a temple for forgiveness in exchange for blood offerings and gifts to the powers that be. Every single God or Son of God that existed prior/after only furthered the slave state. He also called out the hypocrisy of the leaders at the time showing them then and now that man cannot be trusted with control over man. He fought for equal treatment of everyone.
You tell me one other deity ever that has done this?
Read the book!
Like most good things people will try to destroy them or use them to their advantage. If you knew about it you would know about it.
Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and is the Son of the One True God!
Ok, I am not here to destroy Jesus. Nor am I trying to convert anyone otherwise. How and what you choose to believe from your FAITH shouldnt be judged so long as you arent molesting kids, causing harm. But whats wrong with someone who says yes, Spiritually there is something larger than us, but I do not believe in Jesus as it was written about by mens....his-story. I believe we are all here together experiencing this time line....this low fucked level of 3d.....because we need growth spiritually. We need to learn to let go of the "categories" of what makes our Religions different, and just look at teachings. Why cant I pull and use Jesus teachings, any different than say someone who worships all things as sacred? I choose to believe all plants and animals have a soul, even the Earth. I choose to believe do unto others as you want done unto you. My issue isnt with just Christianity, it's with ANY and ALL Religions that set to block ones teachings. Ones that block and stop us from believing or even hypothesizing. It is just too structured to be "free will". Again these are MY own opinions. I do not expect you to convert, conform, change your mind. I just enjoy holding space and having a conversation.
You may choose as you wish.
I remain firmly with the one that is documented to literally exist and that, through their life, brought a level of actual freedom to man kind that had never been known before and has been largely forgotten after. I choose Jesus because it is the only one that doesn't make me a slave to the ways of any man.
There are many parallels between many religions but the ONLY one that doesn't have man dependent on man in some way shape or form is the Teaching of Jesus Christ. (No temples, The high Priest wants a personal relationship with all that know of him, no work MUST be preformed by me to gain salvation [freedom], no man Living or Dead has any power over my decisions, Following Christ is a choice not a demand, free to make mistakes and am forgiven so long as I am honest with my Creator about my mistakes, no money has to be paid and no sacrifice, other than sacrificing things that are not good for me, are required) No WORK must be done by me to be heard or acknowledged by the Father.
I love conversation and you are free to choose as you wish so I am not trying to change your mind either but I will share what I know in hopes that you might see it as well.
Christianity is not what it is taught to the masses and that was done on purpose.
You and I believe alot of the same. When I was Christian, or identified as a Christian I questioned the way it was taught. Then I questioned everything, and had me do a huge dive into it all. All the teaching all the parallels as you said. I believe Jesus story is a mash up al several other deities from through recorded time. Is this bad? No. Not in my opinion "Jesus" had great teachings. Well actually I was brought up Roman Catholic, that structured bullshit was wrong for me, looked into Christianity was never Baptized into it. It's the same stories as the Roman Catholic....I cant put my "faith" into words written by men......twisted by men is more like it.
You are not asked to put your Faith into anything man made though. This is probably the best take away. The Bible is a history book, as you have said, but it has been found to be true, I know parts sound way to crazy to be true but name one religion or structured idea or even scientific fact that doesn't? Only through the repetition of these are people able to grasp the knowledge as possible. That in its self requires Faith. Most scientific facts that we accept today are only theories that haven't been disproven yet, but to say you cannot prove the opposite of something doesn't mean either is true, it means you do not know. Faith is required for life, if you want to believe it or not. Maybe I am a big softy for choosing the one that allows freedom for all in creation and not one of the others that I could use as an excuse to hold myself above another. Jesus Christ is the only example that also gives the individual an ability to communicate with the Creator without intervention of man. It is the only one that declares that all are equal, that none have status over another. The only one that says I am the child of God and you can join me in this simply by accepting that we are all children of God. Jesus Christ didn't make religion, he destroyed it along with the slave state that was born out of it. Accepting Jesus as the Son of the One True God makes you his Child. which would make you....
I am loving the energy you are putting out, no judgement, and well thought out. Thank you!. I do not put my faith in science either. My faith is in God, Source, Spirit, Alla, My creator can be called many things. In my own opinion all "light" Religions, and faith practices connect us to God,, Source: the list continues. All are paths to "salvation?" Or "enlightenment". I am not claiming Christianity is wrong, or I am correct. I could be completely off my rocker. If God created us in His image, and ALSO gave us free will, do you think HE would argue semantics over the way you practice and understand faith? Faith is a very individualistic thing, sure assemble in groups, to grow faith, to ask questions. But spirituality growth is dependent on ones self. And lets say the Crusades never happened, would the rest of the world be going directly to h e double hockey stix? Because they didnt believe in White Jesus? lol Sorry to make light, I try to be humorous in these situations. Also let me be clear, I personally have a painting of Jesus in my living room. He is still a Religious icon and the energies and intentions put into it are still strong and healing. I also have a buddah. And I have an alter with spell candles for protection, and understanding <something I tend to lack...I am quick to violence>.
This is where I must draw a firm line. Jesus set everyone free on Earth. Physically, mentally, spiritually released them of their bondage. It is true that he said that many would argue over his name and in a way I can see how getting all ruffled over what we call him is very similar to having Idols. There is real power in the Name of Christ though, who wasn't "white" ( though not impossible for him to have been, honestly if he were Jewish as it is said then he were likely of the same complexion as the Jews are but they are adamant that they are NOT white! (Caucasian doesn't exist anymore apparently ( that is man trying to have dominion over man Hitler did this with the concept of the perfect race, that man must have been some speaker because he wasn't even close to the Aryans he described). We must be careful with the idea of Faith practices as well, as people are fucking dumb and will get themselves/others hurt (snake handlers) for the sake of proving their Faith, Jesus warns against this, is greater or better than another (again, man trying to have dominion over man) Having a singular means that it is impossible to mistake unless mislead and that would fall on them that mislead.
Crusades...... What part of thou shalt not kill do people miss? They were not Christian but claimed it to say they were sent by God to kill a bunch of Muslim extremist that had just fucked a bunch of stuff up, where on earth have I heard this... It is very familiar. If you do not know the history you are doomed to repeat it. Boy do we LOVE repetition! Hell isn't for everyone, I think that it is more Biblical to understand that few are going to hell, few will make it to heaven and the rest will have never existed in the first place.
Many of your statements align with the teaching of Christ and you are right when you say it is up to the individual for their own spiritual growth. And Faith is very interpersonal. We can agree on those!
I must add that God precedes light. He existed before it, if you use the Creation story of the Bible so God isn't "light" and the bible warns of an Angel of "Light" that comes to deceive man. Really interesting when you open the Quran and see that the figures of light within it are called Djin and are rarely good for humans (
The Christmas tree was a tradition started when St Boniface cut down the pagan holy tree to show it wasn’t a God. Kind of like the way tree worshipping pagans today complain about Christmas Trees.