We come out and declare that abortion is murder, wrong and life begins at conception.
I agree with all the above. But American society is diseased. Let's just be honest with ourselves.
How the hell are we going to convince young women out there to NOT kill a fetus when we promote EVERYTHING that leads to that moment?
Promote Alcohol --> As if we can't live without that garbage.
Sexualize females --> Big tits, big ass, we hoot and holler at the slightest skin exposed. I've partied from NY to Lousianna and conservative areas full of Christians party wayyyy harder. Ever been a southern college football game after party? Lots of life made after every one of those games lol
Financially support Pedowood when we watch their movies and shows --> All that money collected does is spread more shit.
Let our daughters run wild without repercussion and our sons can't help but turn into animals cause of it --> In my teens and 20's my mission was to chase as much tail as I could every damn day of my life. Booze and broads.
I'm guilty of the American lifestyle myself so don't get it twisted I'm not judging
But I don't see how we can battle abortion when it is the end stage of a chronic disease. Unless we treat and reverse the disease itself, the result will always be death.
So we protest and demand young girls don't kill their babies but no one cares the fact that that young girl is a product of society and that society will not be the one who cares for her and that kid post birth.
With abortion, conservatives rely entirely too much on moral arguments about how things SHOULD be according to their personal moral views rather than trying to apply existing principles to the situation. And conservatives DO have a point on abortion, but it's rarely the one they're bothering to argue.
For instance, it is terribly difficult from a scientific point of view to establish that a fetus is not a human in development. As is an adult. As is an elderly person. If the right to life is an inherent part of being human, what differentiates a fetus from any other human being in development?
Sperm is not a human in development, so masturbation doesn't kill humans. Mucus from your nose is not a human in development. A fetus would be.
Despite my best attempts, I cannot differentiate from a development point of view why a fetus would be different than any other human in development IF rights (such as the right to life) are inherent to being human. The only connection is its reliance on the mother, which is largely conditional on our technology to keep the fetus alive separate from the mother. Do our rights to life exist based entirely on how convenient it is for technology to accommodate those rights? An infant is still dependent on its mother, so why is it not therefore legal for a mother to kill an infant? What's the difference?
The question isn't whether the fetus is a human in development or not. It is. The question is whether or not a woman has the right to kill a human being in development when pregnant. That's a different philosophical argument.
That's the argument YOU want to have. But it's not the one most liberals are having. And they are just as frustrated with your refusal to acknowledge their point as you are with them.
The abortion argument consists of two sides who are having different arguments and refuse to acknowledge that the other side has a point on their own arguments. It IS absolutely a right to life issue. It is ALSO absolutely a women's liberty issue. Both of those issues exist, and for one to exist, the other has to be diminished.
Until both sides agree on some of the fundamental contexts, neither side is going to get anywhere on this. And posting pictures of dead fetuses accomplishes nothing. Appealing to the Bible accomplishes nothing.
Focus on rights. If all humans have a right to life inherently as a condition of being human, then there needs to be some scientific reason that we do not classify a fetus as human. If we can't do that, then we therefore accept that a fetus has a right to life from the moment of conception; otherwise, we're claiming that humans grant other humans the right to life, which isn't how it's supposed to work. If that IS the way it's going to work with abortion, then we need to justify why.
Getting emotional about this doesn't advance your argument whatsoever. The less your argument relies on emotional, moral, or religious appeal, the more likely you are to make a point that is difficult to ignore.
I agree with everything you wrote short of the emotional argument. In fact, that's exactly one of their main weapons on getting to this point.
If you were to even try and debate this topic in a college somewhere you would have screeching lunatics going mad. That emotional offensive is one of their main tools.
There are millions of people who quietly support us but would never dare talk about it because of the fear of some woman screaming in their face about their rights.
It is the same tool they are using during covid. A screeching karen or leftist demanding you put your mask on or get a jab cause you may kill their grandmother.
That's how they've won so many times. They appeal to peoples emotions. That's why I think it takes more than a stance on what is considered life and when.
We can have a clear stance on life but if the culture increasingly promotes degeneracy, generation after generation will simply ignore our way of thinking and live in the gutter.
Can we at least recognize, somewhere within this discussion, WHO is responsible, and HOW the degeneracy was brought, to our culture? Abortion, as you noted, is the end-stage.
"They" have admitted their role in all this, and have done it before...
We all know who it is. It's the "elite" and they are all over the world as are their descendants, slaves and secret society members. From your local police chief to big city mayor to the priest in a small town to the pope. The village elder in a small village in Afghanistan to the royal family of Saudi Arabia to the royals all over Europe and elsewhere.
They are on school boards, teachers, doctors, cops, executives etc. They are everywhere.
I think this is still "little picture," even though it sounds very broad in scope. The people you are naming are still puppets of a larger plan. To use the term, "elite," allows them to hide as they have done for centuries. Yes, abortion is a fairly recent abomination, but it really gained traction with Fania Mendell and Planned Parenthood. The real truth behind the debauchery they knew would follow was truly evil.
Emotional argument doesn't work on anyone who has an emotional investment in their own argument. That's the point I'm making.
Pro-choice people are as emotionally invested in protecting women's rights as pro-lifers are in protecting fetuses.
Emotion-based arguments are not going to work for that reason. Because both sides have different, emotionally-valid reasons for being invested in their position.
I agree. I don't even think a debate would work. People rage when losing debates and cement in their beliefs when winning one. And winning a debate is as simple as who the audience is. You could be dead wrong and if your audience is retarded, could still win.
The underlying view on sex, dating, marriage, family and feminism needs to change. In fact, feminism is one of the root causes of all these problems.
Until a young woman views child birth as a gift and a young man views fatherhood as a responsibility and not a curse on his freedom, pro-choice will always ultimately win the normies over.
That still doesnt change the fact we are where we are NOW........Who, or What caused it is irrelivent now. Just fix it. Abortion before 15 weeks, before we think we know the being in the womb is sentient and feeling pain imo is a fair trade off. Abortion shouldnt be used as a contraceptive, not by any means. But also what women do in their own beds isnt our business. Let me ask you this. We are all pro life....There is gray areas. Who is gonna care for those 1.7 million babies no one wanted? Then the 1.7 million they year after. Then we get to like 15 years later, when the now abused, and very likely sexually molested kids have babies of ntheir own. While still being in the system. See where this is going? In 20 years we are going to have a population of babies who hate the ladies, and just make more babies-2Pac.