: THE MILLS OF GOD (THE GODS) GRIND SLOWLY - "At some point a sinner will be punished; many decisions or events that are important in one's life take time in coming. Some 1,600 years ago the Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus wrote: 'The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind small.'
One of Longfellow's translations was a 17th century poem, 'Retribution,' by Friedrich Von Logau:
: Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small;
: Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all.
“Wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine”
― Sun Tzu
Other possible sources:
: THE MILLS OF GOD (THE GODS) GRIND SLOWLY - "At some point a sinner will be punished; many decisions or events that are important in one's life take time in coming. Some 1,600 years ago the Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus wrote: 'The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind small.'
One of Longfellow's translations was a 17th century poem, 'Retribution,' by Friedrich Von Logau: : Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; : Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all.