WTF?! "Hey, it's just the Nuremberg code." says UE commission head! these people are sick!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Well, if laws no longer apply I'd say that's a blade that cuts both ways. Something something reaping something sowing.
Nazi are still in control.
So, in 1945 the world looked at the inhumane things the NAZIs did and they produced a list so that no-one would ever repeat them.
Now, in 2021, Ursula von der Leyen, the Führer of the European Empire run, mainly I would argue, by Germany is suggesting that some of the items on that list were OK and we should be using them.
How loud a wake up call do some people need?
yeah we can just as well say hey its just the eu law or its just a mandate who cares???!!!!
That recklesness and cosiness is making me think they are too comfy in power assuming nothing can get to them but .... nobody can underestimate enough small group of people with total resolve and determination ... and europe looks like just as good playing field.