But fuck that noise.
This has jumped so far over the shark at this point we're in low earth orbit.
Anyone who is still talking about masking, vaxxes, the "legitimacy" of 2020 election, Orange Man Bad TDS, racisms, denying censorship exists, anti-2A/1A, pro-illegal immigration, MAP/Pedo is a preference, transgenders are brave and virtuous, abortions are cool, all of it.
Fuck all of them.
"I TOLD YOU SO!" is not even going to cut it... "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO YOU WORTHLESS, MYOPIC, STUPID, MOTHER FUCKER!" is now my minimum.
These fucking idiots are no longer just rallying against Trump because the MSM told them to, they are unknowingly cheering on the Apocalypse behind their masks.
Does it make sense now why the white hats allowed the vaxxes to go out?
Dark, I know, but think about it. Some of these people need to be culled if we are ever to rebuild and fix this once great nation.
Q said 4-6% will never agree with the truth. Some people are wondering why The Great Awakening is taking so long because they still see 20-40% living in denial. What if most of the current deniers don’t awaken, and they just die? The projected 4-6% of deniers is the adjusted percentage after the die-off.
I always assumed that the 4-6% figure referred to what would be left after the awakening event occurs (whatever the hell that may be), still helplessly lost and in denial.
Also, to those downvoting us, we did not make this plan or endorse it. We are simply commenting on what we observe.