I keep reading how freemasons are evil and do horrible things. Yet I grew up with masons. I'm not evil, nor do I do horrible things. So, being new, and open minded. I would like to have a civilized discussion about the freemasons! And remember. I come from family members whom are passed now, but, were. Masons. I'm open to here. Thank you.
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I've never understood what conspiracy we mormons were supposed to be conspiring for. World domination? One religion above all others? The elimination of free will?
Anyone familiar with even the most basic teachings will find any charges of conspiracy absurd.
Except that one time when Jospeh Smith decided to run for president and create a mormon militia to protect against gentiles? Then got mad somebody wrote an article exposing his kid and wife marrying debauchery and burned down a newspaper printing press so he couldn't be exposed?
Same guy, right?
The nauvoo city council ordered Smith to destroy the printing press.
The city of Nauvoo was the largest city in Illinois at the time. After being chased out of Missouri by an armed mob and betrayed by the governor, the church decided it wouldn't rely on others to provide security. Do you disagree? Or was it unfortunate that my ancestors chose to arm themselves after being raped and murdered? Would you rather they surrender and be raped to extinction?
As for the printing press though, Smith willingly surrendered to a court outside of Nauvoo at the behest of the governor for trial. His reward was to be MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD BY TRAITORS AND TYRANTS. Or did you forget that part?
Wildly inaccurate...read the Joseph Smith Papers
I have read the papers.
Where was I wrong? Which paper contradicts my account?