Literal brain washing for your entire life vs spending half a day to learn what may have really went on. You owe it to yourself to watch this, even if you don't fully believe everything. It can help you to realize how a narrative can easily be spun and a lie told long enough becomes truth.
I honestly thought it was a better documentary than greatest story never told. The majority of that is also included in Europa TLB, but Europa imo gives a much better understanding of the events prior to ww2 which i feel is important to break the spell for normies for understanding why ww2 had to happen and why it was lied about the way it was.
how do you know Europa is true and not more brainwashing trying to convince people to talk about this crazy stuff so Q people are even more easily dismissed as quacks?? Just asking.
Ever wonder why the "history" channel never shows english subtitles of hitler's speeches and corrospondence?
Let alobe the ww1-ww1 banking cartel story which hasnt changed since then. Same fking people pitting man against man because they own both the media and the armarments factories, the same people who only want war.
100%. Literal brain washing for your entire life vs spending half a day to learn what may have really went on. You owe it to yourself to watch this, even if you don't fully believe everything. It can help you to realize how a narrative can easily be spun and a lie told long enough becomes truth.
I honestly thought it was a better documentary than greatest story never told. The majority of that is also included in Europa TLB, but Europa imo gives a much better understanding of the events prior to ww2 which i feel is important to break the spell for normies for understanding why ww2 had to happen and why it was lied about the way it was.
how do you know Europa is true and not more brainwashing trying to convince people to talk about this crazy stuff so Q people are even more easily dismissed as quacks?? Just asking.
Ever wonder why the "history" channel never shows english subtitles of hitler's speeches and corrospondence?
Let alobe the ww1-ww1 banking cartel story which hasnt changed since then. Same fking people pitting man against man because they own both the media and the armarments factories, the same people who only want war.