....and nothing can stop it.
At dinner last week, we were seated next to a prominent Judge. She was talking about how she had been double vaxxed and very upset about the stories of people just like her getting Covid. 'What is it all for?', she lamented. Dropping a smattering of vulgarities you could hear her frustration building. She said 'no way' was she getting the booster and she will not be wearing a mask, either. She even said 'the whole thing is beginning to look like bullshit.'
It was glorious. She is a big fish in Brevard County, FL.
I've discussed "Florida" with my wife many times, and touched on your statement quite a bit.
There's a weird, lingering stupidity here that I assume is a bit different from most places around the world right now as Floridians haven't really been FORCED awake like I imagine is happening elsewhere. Our frog water is a comfortable 80 degrees Fahrenheit - not a lot of cooking. Maybe it's the beaches. Maybe we're meant to be the place people from other areas travel to to "wake up" (which absolutely is happening - seeing my out of state friends rip their masks off and smile when I opened my front door on Thanksgiving was beautiful). Whatever it is, we're definitely lagging behind in "getting out of bed". Mixed blessings, but I'll take it.
To OP, I was just saying your submission statement yesterday. Anecdotally more and more people I talk to are waking up to how nonsensical the "science" is, even though they lag behind on the issues of Liberty (due to the above reasons).
If a global, underground movement / consciousness was bent on showing people The Absurd Illusion, this is absolutely how they'd do it. From a distance, it reads like fine satire in the great Western tradition.
God has an enormous sense of humor, and NCSWIC.
I want to ask someone who is as intelligent as your writing shows that you are why you believe the NCSWIC "narrative"? This is a gentle, sincere question.