....and nothing can stop it.
At dinner last week, we were seated next to a prominent Judge. She was talking about how she had been double vaxxed and very upset about the stories of people just like her getting Covid. 'What is it all for?', she lamented. Dropping a smattering of vulgarities you could hear her frustration building. She said 'no way' was she getting the booster and she will not be wearing a mask, either. She even said 'the whole thing is beginning to look like bullshit.'
It was glorious. She is a big fish in Brevard County, FL.
For the longest time I thought there was nothing that could shake the brainwashing. The government said we need a lockdown. They agreed. The guv said wear, "One, no wait two, no wait THREE masks!" and they did it and started calling others "one maskers".
The guv said, "Get two, no wait three, no wait four shots!" and they lined up for them.
60% are still eager for their boosters, but for the first time even the very hardcore ones I know are softening. They've not changed their positions, but they no longer vigorously defend them. When someone says "I got my booster," it's greeted with a "ah, that's good" rather than the jubilance of three months ago.
It's like all the passion is gone and they go through the motions now. It's the law of diminishing returns. Every time you create a new variant or lockdown you won't get the same fear you did before. People start to become numb and confused.
I see most leftists are kind of numb to it all. They won't agree with conservatives, but they hardly seem to stick up for their side anymore. They just get quiet and resigned.
It's actually a good sign. It means the hysteria is finally passing.
great observations, and makes sense; they're only happy when they're following a trend/getting attention. now that the novelty has worn off, covid isn't 'fun' anymore.