....and nothing can stop it.
At dinner last week, we were seated next to a prominent Judge. She was talking about how she had been double vaxxed and very upset about the stories of people just like her getting Covid. 'What is it all for?', she lamented. Dropping a smattering of vulgarities you could hear her frustration building. She said 'no way' was she getting the booster and she will not be wearing a mask, either. She even said 'the whole thing is beginning to look like bullshit.'
It was glorious. She is a big fish in Brevard County, FL.
I was talking to a neighbor today. He and his wife are proud to have gotten the vaccine and now the booster. They also said their daughter, who works in the medical field, told them NOT to get the booster. But they did anyway. All the doctors and nurses in our area are very pro-vaccine/booster. I said that word now is you need a booster every 3 months. They said they would do that. They also told me they had Covid months ago. I mentioned that the CDC, through the Freedom Of Information Act, was forced to release the information that there is immunity from having Covid.
I then gave up and walked home.
You don't need a booster every 3 months. Currently the only booster people take is about 6 months after their second shot. There are no news so far of needing any more booster shots.