I lean toward thinking Elon is alright. True, he does say he believes in man made global warming, but his proposed solutions are genuinely science based and have multiple benefits besides just "solving" climate change and will truly make the world a better place.
Plus he called out the SEC when they threatened him implying SEC stands for Suck Elon's Cock. He also had a huge spat with the media calling them out for their dishonesty and reddit suddenly turned on the dude when he was their fucking hero for so long.
I'm not for his augmented reality type of ideas but the dude overall seems alright.
I don't think there is a 100 billionaire in the world that isn't compromised. Musdk is confusing but look at his wife and the way he came up through the ranks...
I know. He's had his share of subsidies. I don't know much about the wife. I tend not to hold to everybody either being a White Hat or Black Hat participating in the shady underworld battle of Good vs Evil. Some people just exist on their own. However, Musk has no doubt been approached by both sides since he is so successful and working on tech that will be important in our future. How he has responded is yet to be fully realized.
I lean toward thinking Elon is alright. True, he does say he believes in man made global warming, but his proposed solutions are genuinely science based and have multiple benefits besides just "solving" climate change and will truly make the world a better place.
Plus he called out the SEC when they threatened him implying SEC stands for Suck Elon's Cock. He also had a huge spat with the media calling them out for their dishonesty and reddit suddenly turned on the dude when he was their fucking hero for so long.
I'm not for his augmented reality type of ideas but the dude overall seems alright.
I don't think there is a 100 billionaire in the world that isn't compromised. Musdk is confusing but look at his wife and the way he came up through the ranks...
I know. He's had his share of subsidies. I don't know much about the wife. I tend not to hold to everybody either being a White Hat or Black Hat participating in the shady underworld battle of Good vs Evil. Some people just exist on their own. However, Musk has no doubt been approached by both sides since he is so successful and working on tech that will be important in our future. How he has responded is yet to be fully realized.
Oh and his family ties to the transhuman party of their former nation back in the day. I forget the party but it was something like that.