Has a somewhat more optimistic outcome than the movies. Dr. Bennell and Becky Driscoll survived without getting podified and they got married. He was the local doctor in the town and at the end of the book he describes having to write out a heck of a lot of death certificates due to the lives of so many pod people getting cut short. He doesn't exactly know what to describe on the death certs.
Sheesh, this really does remind me of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Original novel Body Snatchers by Jack Finney is an audio book on YT. Free. It's great.
Has a somewhat more optimistic outcome than the movies. Dr. Bennell and Becky Driscoll survived without getting podified and they got married. He was the local doctor in the town and at the end of the book he describes having to write out a heck of a lot of death certificates due to the lives of so many pod people getting cut short. He doesn't exactly know what to describe on the death certs.
Sound familiar?