I did not think anything could topple the glorious meme of Batwoman from the throne of the worst TV show of all time, but this definitely ranks at the very bottom.
Watching this show is the equivalent of walking out the oldest forrest, lifting up a big rock and licking that green gooey stuff underneath while evil plague infested rats are nibbling on your ankles. This is such a putrified horrible little nasty evil thing that you have to give some cred to the creators - I mean, damn, how do your soul get so black that you willingly work on this project?
But this is not just evil to its core nor is it only filled with nasty toilet humour, this is also badly done in every sense of the word. The script is one of the worst ever written, the animation look worse than that of the old Czech communist propaganda stories from the 1970s. Nothing here is done well, but perhaps the voice acting take the bottom price...
Needless to say, this is as low as humanity can go. The only thing lower than this garbage would be hell itself, which is likely where all the creators of this show are heading. 1/10 and believe me when I say that this is the worst thing you can ever watch
If you're going to culturally appropriate something you should do it in a positive light, 2 Christian main characters could not and should not make something criticizing Judaism or Islam or Buddhism, this is no different , plus its just not funny.
This is just an animated form of political pandering from two of the least funny so called "comedians" who somehow are still cast in stuff despite never playing an actual role that wasn't written as themselves.
It's nothing but taking jabs at white people, at men, at tradition, with covid virtue signaling mixed in. And all the points they try to make are of stuff that is objectively false. Full of toilet humor done poorly, crude personalities and angry vengeful activism.
The public disliked the pilot so much that HBO actually blocked all comments on the trailer and in case you were wondering, it has nearly 160 thousand dislikes and 3.1 thousand likes.
The only good thing is the animation was done well. Apart from that, this is just propaganda made by two of Hollywoods most mean and bigoted crybullies. So out of touch it's actually embarrassing.
LMAO The fact this so called woke garbage got made into a series, let alone pilot, should speak to just who runs Hollyweird, but of course we cant state the blatantly obvious truth because that would be deemed hate speech.
Beats liking the video. Then your YT algorithm will recommend those vids constantly, and give ridiculous vids amazing “like” ratings. I’d rather just not click such.
User reviews are most illuminating.
Possibly the worst show ever made
I did not think anything could topple the glorious meme of Batwoman from the throne of the worst TV show of all time, but this definitely ranks at the very bottom.
Watching this show is the equivalent of walking out the oldest forrest, lifting up a big rock and licking that green gooey stuff underneath while evil plague infested rats are nibbling on your ankles. This is such a putrified horrible little nasty evil thing that you have to give some cred to the creators - I mean, damn, how do your soul get so black that you willingly work on this project?
But this is not just evil to its core nor is it only filled with nasty toilet humour, this is also badly done in every sense of the word. The script is one of the worst ever written, the animation look worse than that of the old Czech communist propaganda stories from the 1970s. Nothing here is done well, but perhaps the voice acting take the bottom price...
Needless to say, this is as low as humanity can go. The only thing lower than this garbage would be hell itself, which is likely where all the creators of this show are heading. 1/10 and believe me when I say that this is the worst thing you can ever watch
528 out of 573 found this helpful
Cultural appropriation
If you're going to culturally appropriate something you should do it in a positive light, 2 Christian main characters could not and should not make something criticizing Judaism or Islam or Buddhism, this is no different , plus its just not funny.
316 out of 341 found this helpful
Out of Touch and Mean Spirited
This is just an animated form of political pandering from two of the least funny so called "comedians" who somehow are still cast in stuff despite never playing an actual role that wasn't written as themselves.
It's nothing but taking jabs at white people, at men, at tradition, with covid virtue signaling mixed in. And all the points they try to make are of stuff that is objectively false. Full of toilet humor done poorly, crude personalities and angry vengeful activism.
The public disliked the pilot so much that HBO actually blocked all comments on the trailer and in case you were wondering, it has nearly 160 thousand dislikes and 3.1 thousand likes.
The only good thing is the animation was done well. Apart from that, this is just propaganda made by two of Hollywoods most mean and bigoted crybullies. So out of touch it's actually embarrassing.
208 out of 232 found this helpful.
LMAO The fact this so called woke garbage got made into a series, let alone pilot, should speak to just who runs Hollyweird, but of course we cant state the blatantly obvious truth because that would be deemed hate speech.
Its a clown world alright.
Stuff like this is one of the reasons YouTube removed dislikes.
I would just make a comment, ask for dislikes to uptick your post.
Then the pedos remove comments and improve YouTube dramatically in the process. They can't win, can they?
Beats liking the video. Then your YT algorithm will recommend those vids constantly, and give ridiculous vids amazing “like” ratings. I’d rather just not click such.
Time for some christians to make a jew movie...
elves voting