Oh Lord thank you for the blessings we have been given, and please grant those blessings to those lost in the wilderness. May all mankind see the glory of your presence and be warmed by your light, and may your grand plan come to fruition, ideally sooner rather than later.
- South Africa - limited data as its behind a strong pay wall, but two women have been arrested for plotting to kill a man and sell his daughter into slavery: https://archive.md/FbUnN
- Malaysia - mastermind behind human trafficking ring arrested along with 24 others: https://archive.md/b7RR0
- Malaysia - another trafficking syndicate elsewhere in the country has been taken down with its leader also arrested. 12 traffickers in custody: https://archive.md/RHQv7
- United Kingdom - the British government shows its colors by driving child sex victims of grooming gangs to be suicidal over attempting to claim recompense for being ignored for so long. One council has spent nearly a quarter million in taxpayer money fighting to prevent victim compensation: https://archive.md/iwjJN
- Canada/US: man arrested attempting to traffic a 16 Yr old girl into Canada from Vermont: https://archive.md/8PDzc
- Barbados - man sentenced to 60 years in jail for abusing children: https://archive.md/MkibV
- Cobb County, Georgia, USA - a woman and 3 of 4 men have been arrested for kidnapping and assault, last suspect is still being hunted down. They tried to steal three children and kill their father, father survived and the children were rescued: https://archive.md/d2WCF
- Albania - several members of the MKO organisation have been arrested for numerous offences including human trafficking. MKO meetings were attended by Pence, No Name, Rudy Giuliani, Bolton, and a Saudi Prince historically, largely due to their anti-iranian stance: https://archive.md/WKUiR
If you see something, say something
US contact details
NCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678 NCMEC Cybertiplines: https://report.cybertip.org/ or https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline or call 1-800-THE-LOST National Human Trafficking Hotline: 888-373-7888 or humantraffickinghotline.org HSI/ICE toll-free hotline: 1-866-DHS-2ICE | Anonymous toll-free ICE Tip Line: (866) 347-2423 Tip Form: https://www.ice.gov/webform/ice-tip-form#wcm-survey-target-id
United Kingdom contact details
Urgent: 101 or Contact the Modern Slavery Helpline confidentially: 08000 121700 (24/7) https://www.modernslaveryhelpline.org/helplines Children support: 0800 1111 | Adults concerned about a child: 0808 800 5000 | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ Report CSAM: https://report.iwf.org.uk/en/ | https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/ Scotland Police: https://www.scotland.police.uk/contact-us/
Interpol, Europol, & EU contact details
Contact Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/Contacts/Contact-INTERPOL https://www.interpol.int/What-you-can-do/If-you-need-help Europol tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 | https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime EU Hotlines: https://ec.europa.eu/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotlines/national-hotlines_en
South Africa contact details
South African National Human Trafficking Hotline: 0800222777 | https://0800222777.org.za/
Global contact details
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human_trafficking_hotline_numbers Global: List of Emergency Telephone numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_emergency_telephone_numbers
If I help to save even one life with this, it's worth it.
Amen. I so long to be a part of this mission and canβt wait til God sends me.
The hidden front π