It looks to me like Nancy is on one of her word salad ramblings, President Trump is looking at her with a WTF is this mad woman screeching? expression and Milley is asking himself how the fuck he let these lunatics compromise him so thoroughly he has to side with nonsense.
Lol Trump looks like he wants to laugh and while asking her what she's flapping her gums about. Should told her to behave and she'll get a ice cream bar at the end of this. Along with some vodka.
It looks to me like Nancy is on one of her word salad ramblings, President Trump is looking at her with a WTF is this mad woman screeching? expression and Milley is asking himself how the fuck he let these lunatics compromise him so thoroughly he has to side with nonsense.
Yeah he has that, "are you fucking high?" look on his face.
Lol Trump looks like he wants to laugh and while asking her what she's flapping her gums about. Should told her to behave and she'll get a ice cream bar at the end of this. Along with some vodka.