12/1/20-2/28/21 1200 dead due to the Pfizer shot, how many doses were administered in this timeframe? That will give a kill rate.
Inquiring minds what to know.
12/1/20-2/28/21 1200 dead due to the Pfizer shot, how many doses were administered in this timeframe? That will give a kill rate.
Inquiring minds what to know.
Follow the link I added below the post. It is PFIZERS own report, released - by the FDA as part of the court order.
It is valid and it is the smoking gun.
It's important to note that in the beginning, the only people getting vaccinated were in the older demographic, so its kill rate will very likely not apply to the whole population.
It’s important to note 1223 dead is not “safe” and would warrant a prudent person, or agency to disclose this information. They did not, informed consent is violated and how many thousands have died as a result. THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE!
I never said it was safe...
Yes, its very important. What it isn't is a useful metric to gauge total death rate (at least I don't think so, I'll have a look).
Copy/paste doesn't work. Is it maybe saved locally? The url looks local.
Where do you get that info? I heard they only picked younger, healthy, no co-morbidity volunteers to give them the best odds. If my info is correct, that means that elderly, pregnant and children would have been even harder hit.
I don't know where the document in the OP is from or what it says. I am still waiting on a link where I can read the document. From the time period, i assume it is from the initial rollout of the vaccine. The initial rollout was strictly in the elderly as "the most vulnerable."
What you are suggesting is perhaps the clinical trials? If it killed 1200 in the clinical trials that would completely destroy the narrative. I need to get access to that document to understand the context.
The link does not work. It goes back to this page.
Copy the link to a new tab. The same thing happened to me.