You even START going down the flat earth road with me, I don't care how long I've known you : We. Are. Done. I just can't believe anyone is really THAT fucking stupid.
"gRavItY iS fAkE"
I actually removed ALL my Deftones music last summer when I read an interview with guitarist Stephan Carpenter. I've loved and supported Deftones since they arrived on the scene when I was in high school. But Mr. Carpenter is 1000000% , full tilt, flat earther.
Can't support them anymore. Chino, different story, still support him and his solo / collaboration stuff.
Here's the thing, bub. The only way to prove the earth is flat is via you tube video.
These people don't understand things like scale and geometry, it's pretty simple really. These folks believe a zoom lens on a camera brings the object closer to them in the view finder - I can look past the horizon - = 100% wrong. The zoom lens, actually, simulates YOU moving forward toward the subject.
Explain the tides, eclipses, gravity ( oh yea.. doesn't exist ), the seasons - they can't.
Real, real simple stuff like that they ignore because "my you tube guy said...."
Do ANY of those people 'educating me' on flat earth have a degree in ANY science field?
Didn't think so.
It's funny you prove my point exactly. I specifically stated " you can only prove the earth is flat via you tube video" And what do you come back with?
"mY yOutUBe gUY sAiD....." go back to eating tide pods
Dumbest people on the planet : flat earthers.
You even START going down the flat earth road with me, I don't care how long I've known you : We. Are. Done. I just can't believe anyone is really THAT fucking stupid.
"gRavItY iS fAkE"
I actually removed ALL my Deftones music last summer when I read an interview with guitarist Stephan Carpenter. I've loved and supported Deftones since they arrived on the scene when I was in high school. But Mr. Carpenter is 1000000% , full tilt, flat earther.
Can't support them anymore. Chino, different story, still support him and his solo / collaboration stuff.
You sound like a lefty nut job...
Here's the thing, bub. The only way to prove the earth is flat is via you tube video.
These people don't understand things like scale and geometry, it's pretty simple really. These folks believe a zoom lens on a camera brings the object closer to them in the view finder - I can look past the horizon - = 100% wrong. The zoom lens, actually, simulates YOU moving forward toward the subject.
Explain the tides, eclipses, gravity ( oh yea.. doesn't exist ), the seasons - they can't. Real, real simple stuff like that they ignore because "my you tube guy said...."
You obviously have never watched any of those YouTube videos, because everything you've said is laughably false and strawman.
There's answers to all of those things, for someone intellectually honest enough to listen.
Hey those videos you recommend.
Do ANY of those people 'educating me' on flat earth have a degree in ANY science field?
Didn't think so.
It's funny you prove my point exactly. I specifically stated " you can only prove the earth is flat via you tube video" And what do you come back with?
"mY yOutUBe gUY sAiD....." go back to eating tide pods