“Sheryl Lewellen” was the first account to oppositionally report the “patriot front” group on twitter. The account changes to to being supportive less than 18 hrs later. 👀 can you say: GLOWBIES??
🧠 These people are stupid!

Did anyone notice what the person who appears to be a child to me is doing in the first banner? Looks like the Illuminati hand signal to me. Who is this supposed person anyway. They got 65 new followers between the two screenshots but she didn’t follow anyone new. She wanted DC statehood in the first. How many other fake accounts popped up just in time to support this fake front group? How many more of the fake patriot groups are they going to produce for their special media propaganda campaigns? The red smoke bombs are a special touch. That certainly gives the impression they are burning things up like antifa does. Printed tee shirts. Special shields. Such an organized group.
They have tried so hard to stir up the real patriots to violence with shills all to no avail. They cannot get the true patriots to start a civil war so they are now trying to convince the public that patriotism is domestic terrorism. The MSM is our most dangerous domestic terrorism group.
The first shot of the account has an AI generated avatar…
100% correct. You can actually generate an AI avatar of a person that's never existed and "Sheryl" NEVER existed. We have the glow fags on the back foot big time on this one. We've learned a lot since 1/6.
Weve learned alot since 9/11
It’s free and instant to get an AI generated pic of someone that does not exist.
Fake a school shooting in the media, add pics of kids that don't exist, add a pic of a shooter that never existed, and now you have Sandy Hook!
I’m pretty sure that fb has been generating people in their ads so that they resemble actual people in your friends list. Makes you look an extra second at the ad. Been going on for several years.
No surprise there! A young blond white female.
Ai makes some pretty girls...
You can take a guy and just use a filter to change it to a girl. There are discord bots that can do it with bot commands and apps. Easy way to get this type of thing and they crop out parts that look off.
That kid is 100% making the triangle hand gesture.