Both imply consent by free will of choice to suggestion by free will of choice from another aka will submitting to will; while ignoring what defines having a choice (being within response to balance).
What if ALL already exists and the ONEs within don't need to prove reality to others; but learn/teach ONEself to comprehend ALL perceived? What if others represents both inspiration to grow comprehension and temptation to ignore it for whatever "proof" they suggest?
A sleight of hand for those with eyes to see..."the proof is in the pudding"; from PUD'DING, noun - "an intestine" (internal test); from TEST; noun (Latin testum - "earthen pot" aka formed vessel). Therefore...the proof (information) is within form; when form is out of flow (aka in spirit aka inspiration).
Science is about what you can prove.
And the way you do that is via the Scientific Method, not by taking a vote.
Both imply consent by free will of choice to suggestion by free will of choice from another aka will submitting to will; while ignoring what defines having a choice (being within response to balance).
What if ALL already exists and the ONEs within don't need to prove reality to others; but learn/teach ONEself to comprehend ALL perceived? What if others represents both inspiration to grow comprehension and temptation to ignore it for whatever "proof" they suggest?
A sleight of hand for those with eyes to see..."the proof is in the pudding"; from PUD'DING, noun - "an intestine" (internal test); from TEST; noun (Latin testum - "earthen pot" aka formed vessel). Therefore...the proof (information) is within form; when form is out of flow (aka in spirit aka inspiration).