449 I would call it a clear indication that Hollywood is up to their armpits complicit !! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Oldpatriot 3 years ago by Oldpatriot +449 / -0 89 comments download share 89 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
My understanding is that Hitler arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild and expelled the banking cartel from his country. Why would a roth puppet do such a thing?
lol this is the fake history I am referring to ^
Who REALLY won WW2 ?
How the fuck is that fake history just because you say it is, lol. You're using the same D&C tactics they do.
Oh well Ian, name definitely checks out.
Oh and to your question, The Bolsheviks along with the papacy, the zionists and a few banker bois won WWII