I fear that my mom is getting this way. Not in the way of retribution, but dad has had some health issues lately. Between that and their age, I understand being careful about the 'rona given the news messaging and them living through Polio (ie, the vaccine that saved the world).
At the same time, I have two little kids. If they have so much as a sniffle (which is at least monthly right now) I call them up and see what makes them comfortable. We've skipped out on a few things to keep the possibility of transmission of anything to a minimum.
They still can't resolve "the vaccine protects you", "your symptoms can be less severe" and "you can still get covid" with any amount of logic. She's both told me to get the stab so I don't get it, and that I can give it even though she can't get it because she's stabbed.
I've always told them if I get it, the numbers are in my favor and it's better to have symptoms and stay away than to show up and be asymptomatic.
I fear that my mom is getting this way. Not in the way of retribution, but dad has had some health issues lately. Between that and their age, I understand being careful about the 'rona given the news messaging and them living through Polio (ie, the vaccine that saved the world).
At the same time, I have two little kids. If they have so much as a sniffle (which is at least monthly right now) I call them up and see what makes them comfortable. We've skipped out on a few things to keep the possibility of transmission of anything to a minimum.
They still can't resolve "the vaccine protects you", "your symptoms can be less severe" and "you can still get covid" with any amount of logic. She's both told me to get the stab so I don't get it, and that I can give it even though she can't get it because she's stabbed.
I've always told them if I get it, the numbers are in my favor and it's better to have symptoms and stay away than to show up and be asymptomatic.