What's going to happen to GME? Think of the biggest number you'd believe is reasonable, then add three more zeroes, then double the number of zeroes, and heck double it again, now you're getting close.
We're basically waiting for one of the hedgefunds to fail a margin call and get liquidated, because that's when the computers take over, and when they have to sell all of their assets and buy every share they shorted at whatever price is listed, prices all over the market are going to go into flux, which will lead to other hedge funds failing. Then the buck starts going further up the chain, and the fluctuations get bigger, and the market makers start to fail, and this process continues until all that's left in our path is the FED and it might fall.
Make no mistake, the fallout will likely be worse than the crash of '29, plan accordingly and Noblesse Oblige.
What are you expecting to happen with GME? How does the situation resolve, as you see it?
Market goes down,shorts don't have enough collateral.
GME moons.
Or we lock up all the shares in computershare.
Shorts can't short.
We moon.
Is it too late to get in and buy GME?
Anything below a million is a discount.
What's going to happen to GME? Think of the biggest number you'd believe is reasonable, then add three more zeroes, then double the number of zeroes, and heck double it again, now you're getting close.
We're basically waiting for one of the hedgefunds to fail a margin call and get liquidated, because that's when the computers take over, and when they have to sell all of their assets and buy every share they shorted at whatever price is listed, prices all over the market are going to go into flux, which will lead to other hedge funds failing. Then the buck starts going further up the chain, and the fluctuations get bigger, and the market makers start to fail, and this process continues until all that's left in our path is the FED and it might fall.
Make no mistake, the fallout will likely be worse than the crash of '29, plan accordingly and Noblesse Oblige.
Welp, i do own GME and am holding. so i'll be there