Josh Duggar found guilty in child pornography trial. Another one down!
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There are multiple examples of systemic abuse within the church. Multiple examples of Pope Frances helping to cover it up.
Widespread abuse within the Catholic Church has gone on for centuries. All you need to do is search. From Ireland to Boston to LA, idk how many examples you need.
Try this one. Over 100 credibly accused monks at one abbey that serves a university, prep school (which, incidentally Peter Strozk was a student)
Behind the Pine Curtain
Ever see The Keepers?
Check out Bishop Accountability
I know A LOT about sexual abuse and the Catholic Church. Please don’t say I’m deceived. I could go on all day about this.
Lastly, Talk to Jeff Anderson, St Paul MN attorney about this.
Please, talk to the survivors if you have any doubts about the coverup.
I know that, dude. The problem is that you blame the apple for what the worm has done.
Many religions victimize children. The Duggars are members of the Institute for Basic Life Principles. It is described by many as a cult.
Yep, Catholic is a big one.
Aren't they part of the quiverfull movement?
So I’ve been trying to find out and getting various responses online. Yes, it seems like they follow that way of life but they’ve stated themselves they are not in the quiverfull movement.
Sorry I’m so tired. I’ll dig more tomorrow.