It is a racial term. I am Caucasian and white. The Spanish are Caucasians as well. Being Mediterranean means they tan a bit better than I do. When I'm tanned, I'm darker than an untanned Spaniard.
To be technically correct, during the summer, I should be referred to as "of color." But they would never do that. The leftists always fail in grouping people.
when i tell lefties that there are more "people of color" who are conservative commentators, than there are white, they can't believe it.
then i ask them to name JUST ONE "person of color" conservative commentator, and they can't do it.
the idea if a "person of color" being conservative just breaks their brains too much. it breaks the frame in their mind, of who is what, based on skin color.
to a lefty, the right-wing is rush limbaugh, sean hannity, and alex jones.
if lefties were as empathetic as they pretend to be, they would be listening to "conservatives of color" to try and understand their perspective,
“Of color” means “not white”
It is a racial term. I am Caucasian and white. The Spanish are Caucasians as well. Being Mediterranean means they tan a bit better than I do. When I'm tanned, I'm darker than an untanned Spaniard.
To be technically correct, during the summer, I should be referred to as "of color." But they would never do that. The leftists always fail in grouping people.
when i tell lefties that there are more "people of color" who are conservative commentators, than there are white, they can't believe it.
then i ask them to name JUST ONE "person of color" conservative commentator, and they can't do it.
the idea if a "person of color" being conservative just breaks their brains too much. it breaks the frame in their mind, of who is what, based on skin color.
to a lefty, the right-wing is rush limbaugh, sean hannity, and alex jones.
if lefties were as empathetic as they pretend to be, they would be listening to "conservatives of color" to try and understand their perspective,
but lefties only listen to other lefties.
Lefties are racists. They use the term "Uncle Tom" for every black person who uses standard English, or wears a suit, or voices a conservative idea.