My comment was sarcasm not necessarily toward you. You are speaking words of reason and common sense. But, that's the problem we're having today. Common sense is no longer common. Logic doesn't exist to the oppressors and all the leftist Marxists.
Of course "people will not buy this shit." And yes, it was I who said "they don't care", not you. The fact is the evil financial Cabal don't care. If they did care, they would be feeding the world's poor. They have usurped (stolen) the vast majority of the world's wealth. Where are they on this? Well, we all know where they are. They busy consolidating their power over us. The CDC already published a white paper for concentration camps. Washington State under that crack pot despot Gov. Inslee has built them and the TN governor is also acting to do so. These 'outliers' of insanity tend to be the trial balloons for other States. They're psychopaths.
Go where? I didn't say they care about you and 'me' :) or suggest they aren't psychos.
I just said we won't buy it, it won't work. Is that a line? If it is, OK it's a line. Whatever.
My comment was sarcasm not necessarily toward you. You are speaking words of reason and common sense. But, that's the problem we're having today. Common sense is no longer common. Logic doesn't exist to the oppressors and all the leftist Marxists.
Of course "people will not buy this shit." And yes, it was I who said "they don't care", not you. The fact is the evil financial Cabal don't care. If they did care, they would be feeding the world's poor. They have usurped (stolen) the vast majority of the world's wealth. Where are they on this? Well, we all know where they are. They busy consolidating their power over us. The CDC already published a white paper for concentration camps. Washington State under that crack pot despot Gov. Inslee has built them and the TN governor is also acting to do so. These 'outliers' of insanity tend to be the trial balloons for other States. They're psychopaths.