A close patriot friend of mine who is a real estate agent has been harassed by jabbers about getting his shots. He refuses and they eventually let up. Those VERY SAME PEOPLE who were harassing him before, are now asking him for the names of the supplements he recommended them to take instead of jab. One of them even went as far as apologizing to him for giving him a hard time. His FB is full of karens who used to post about how people are selfish for not getting jabs, complaining about how they are "SICK AGAIN! THIS IS THE WORST COLD AND FLU SEASON". No idea it's the jabs.
My wifes boss and his wife are jab cunts. Both husband and wife have been sick non stop for weeks. 5 year old son got the jab and now has rashes (bloody ones) all over his body and is constantly sick. She works from home and in the mornings (we share an office) he sounds like absolute shit in their meetings. Lately he's been repeating himself and forgets meetings they had the night before.
On the radio today the DJ, (random station can't remember it), the woman who sounded like she was in a hospital bed that's how bad her voice was, thanked her colleague for taking over for 5 days because of how sick her and her son were.
The season has barely started.
Anecdotally I've noticed the same sort of thing. My brother and his wife have been sick 4 times in the last few months. My brother was out for a whole week, just recently. That's not normal for him. We both never got sick much as kids and if we did, it's 3 days and done , TOPS. My dad's work is mainly vaxxed and he's covering shift after shift because his vaxxed co workers are CONSTANTLY calling in. This is not normal for his line of work. I'm wondering if VAIDS is happening before our eyes.
There is a massive labor shortage in North America and I suspect elsewhere. I've wondered why that is beyond the government aid. However, it doesn't make any sense anymore because the aid is not sufficient enough nor is it as large.
What they aren't telling us is, what I suspect to be, people going on long term leave due to vax injuries. That is ONE factor but I believe at this point, a major factor.
It's definitely a factor. I think firing unvaccinated people and/or the threat of firing is also contributing to the lack of workers.. Then you have the aid ( CERB) and now people getting sick and injured. It's so sad.
And here's the thing, these companies can do their own research if they're mandating the jab just now. Many people have gotten it already. The companies mandate it so now everyone has to report their status and date of vaccination. Well, who's been calling in sick the most this past 6 months? Anyone die?
Yeah, I do believe jabbed people are getting sicker. The thing wipes out immunity for COVID. Is that all! Oh we don't know! No long term studies! Sign me right the fuck up! Derp!
It gives you VAIDS -- vaccine acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Or whatever we're calling it.
The only difference is that the definition of AIDS is a low CD4+ T cell count, and in VAIDS it's a low CD8 + T cell count.
I think.