Ghislaine Maxwell Prosecutor rests... so. Umm... WTF How is this not Yuge news?
🚔 Crime & Corruption 💸
So no pics, names, aka 'big booms' released etc? Defense is not going to do it obviously.
Let this be a lesson for those who are thrilled by 'upcoming court cases' and not 'Military Tribunals'... Deep State is SOO good at this. Memes don't matter in things like this - power and position does.
And remember that stickied post a week or so ago from a supposed lawyer pede that said “not to worry because Comey’s daughter was an assistant and wouldn’t be asking questions or presenting evidence?”
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Also, the judge is a Biden appointment so…
If she’s let off, holy shit will people be pissed off.
I'm sure the deepstate is quivering over that fact. Because they've cared so much up to now about how we feel.