Craig Sawyers organization: CRS Security International, LLC
Alex Jones was a financier of Craig's organization in 2017, donating $90,000.
Craigs siphons off $28,000 by putting it in a line item called Documentary Production paid to a company called Dream Arc Productions, LLC
Dream Arc received funding from Veterans for Child Rescue Inc as a vendor. Then Dream Arc pays CRS or Craig directly monthly kickbacks. Embezzlement.
By their fruits you should/shall know them...
Craig came to Tucson Arizona and helped City of Tucson officials and Tucson PD and Pima County Sherriff's Dept's discredit the Veterans group that found the human trafficking site at CEMEX industrial south of Tucson. He then proclaimed nothing to see here and couple weeks later CEMEX dozes the site and cements the area over. (way more to it but this is the short version)
For this I don't trust him and AJ's money being in the mix doesn't help him either.
Yes, thanks for the background. That cemex stuff was super creepy.