My Dad is fully behind President Trump, knows that the 'pandemic' is really a scamdemic, knows that the government is corrupt but has until now refused to believe in the luciferian pedophile death cult aspect of this worldwide assault on the People. He hasnt been able to bring himself to believe that humans can be so evil even when I mention what happened with the Soviet purges, the Rape of Nanking, the Killing Fields of Pol Pot, etc.
I have seen a change in the last couple months. The reality of the child trafficking and massive pedo busts, the possibility of a depopulation and enslavement agenda, has seeped through his Fox News/Newsmax shield.
My Dad is fully behind President Trump, knows that the 'pandemic' is really a scamdemic, knows that the government is corrupt but has until now refused to believe in the luciferian pedophile death cult aspect of this worldwide assault on the People. He hasnt been able to bring himself to believe that humans can be so evil even when I mention what happened with the Soviet purges, the Rape of Nanking, the Killing Fields of Pol Pot, etc.
I have seen a change in the last couple months. The reality of the child trafficking and massive pedo busts, the possibility of a depopulation and enslavement agenda, has seeped through his Fox News/Newsmax shield.
There is hope that the normies are waking up.