Reports of police stations raising the Aussie flag upside down are coming in from across the country. If the police side with Aussies, it’s all over.

The police have a choice and so far they've decided to go against the people. Don't trust them with this gesture because it could be as a very famous Admiral once stated "it's a trap". In WW2 my grandfather said that the Germans would often come up waving a white flag and as soon as the Allied solders would start walking up to them the Germans would open fire on them at close range. The white flag was a trap!
Very sad, I have heard this as well about WWII there was no code of conduct among some of them.
Yeah but everything we know about the war is wrong.
I know, I’m just remembering things my Dad said about it he never spoke much about the war but he really really hated the Germans for a long time, to the point that he wanted nothing to do with anything German manufactured no matter how good it was car, clocks, motors etc.
Thats that decades of indoctrination. News, school books, etc etc. I hope the truth is all brought to light one day soon.
Really? I heard differently.
It could be a trap, but it's also worth remembering that not all police think alike.
Look at America, for example. You have patriotic local sheriffs in some counties who have refused to follow unconstitutional gun control laws, then you have police chiefs in some democrat shitholes that fully comply with their authoritarian democrat bosses.
Not all police think alike. Sadly, in most parts of the world almost all police are following orders, but there will be the occasional pocket that stands with the people.