Reports of police stations raising the Aussie flag upside down are coming in from across the country. If the police side with Aussies, it’s all over.

Yes...your so correct. Feeling depressed today...and too negative. God is good and I know He's in control. So glad to have this group to commiserate, hope and if need be...die with! Thanks Fren!
Never let Satan, sin, take Joy from your life. Happiness comes and goes, but Joy is Christ is your life. All sadness and unhappiness comes from sin itself. No matter what happens, if your with Jesus Christ, your Joy is forever. It’s ok to be sad, or disappointed, but don’t lose sight of the victory. Christ is the win, and we’ve already won my friend. Just hold on. This life on Earth is like snapping your fingers...it’s that quick, compared to eternity. We’re together in this. Together with Jesus Christ. 🙏💯❤️
Here's a great quote I heard somewhere for whenever I'm feeling down/frustrated/angry/etc.
“The first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day is to have my soul happy in the Lord.”
You control your mental attitude by what you do/read/think about/etc. Remember that and worship God, thank Him for all the great things He has done, and is doing. It's great for resetting your perspective with the world.
Yes...words to live by. We have everything we need in Him!