I hate to question my hero, but can anyone give a positive explanation as to why he would back 5G? I know we accept his jab stance as 5D chess, where does 5G come in?
The entire idea of 5G is the "Internet of Things", which means everything is reporting to the cloud, which is nothing more than a control mechanism. Played too many video games, the the system knows and turns off your internet until tomorrow. Eat too much red meat because your Fridge knows how much is in there, you'll be penalized.
There is no good in the tech that is the internet of things. Get as much tech out of your house as you can.
Some think it can also be used for good.
Anyone telling you what you can and what you can't do is never good.
Or better yet, don't install it in the first place.
Trump seems to disagree
I don't think many politicians have a grasp of the multistage planning corporations with the deepnstste operates
In my heart I hope the switch can be flipped and everything used for bad can be used for good... Release the free energy Tesla tech and let big tech fund and install prior to releasing...
There is a reason why 5G was rolled out without any testing for its effect on human beings and their brains.
Why was that?
Trump did prevent Huawei, Chinese CCP controlled 5G provider, from doing business in North America and he tied the CEO of Huawei up in legal trouble, allowing American companies to dominate the 5G space in North America… so there’s that, but we still have 5G rolling out
There is a bad frequency and a good frequency, 5G is coming regardless, so PDJT chose the 5G frequency that wasn't designed to harm humans.
Europe went ahead with the evil-frequency Chinese equipment from what I recall.
Well, concerning Trump's jab stance, didn't he once refer to HCQ and other therapeutics as a type of vaccine? Has he ever been asked or spoke about him taking any boosters? Re 5G, I recall some discussion of different types of 5G, some with little effect on humans, some lethal. Just some thoughts.
5G is the natural evolution of fusing tech with biology because we've continually sanctioned it by being seduced by their shiny shiny ooh things crap.
About 3 years ago I had a conversation with an otherwise highly intelligent and senior colleague as to why I didn't have a mobile phone. Her argument was "But I can set the temperature I want to come home to in the house" vs mine about not wanting to have my every move dependent upon Big Tech.
Oh look, I was right.
Ban for asking too many questions coming in 3….2…
Dont expect many answers here. This will probably get intentionally buried. I was banned for asking questions like these.
Trump is responsible for the vaccine roll out and the untested and unchallenged 5g roll out. There is nothing good that can come from 5g.
I dont get a good feeling about either of these occurrences or twitter Jack's, "it was a trap" tweet.