The law we're talking about is statutory. It defines child, not in line with medical definitions
According to it many of our own ancestors even recently are sex offenders. Im just saying, it makes us seem like weird assholes to pretend that violating a statute is on par w podestas code parties. It's just not. That's indisputable.
The law we're talking about is statutory. It defines child, not in line with medical definitions According to it many of our own ancestors even recently are sex offenders. Im just saying, it makes us seem like weird assholes to pretend that violating a statute is on par w podestas code parties. It's just not. That's indisputable.
Also it's a popular opinion here. 2 dozen upvotes
Maxwell faces 70 years in prison which is major and you keep dismissing it which tells me you don't care about the seriousness of the trial.
Also, those podesta parties are possible because of people like Maxwell.
Justice must come for all of them when they violate the law.