There is more than racism being discussed; they are promoting the one world government and Agenda 2030
There is also a page dedicated to COVID 19 and Agenda 2030 sustainable goals.
There is more than racism being discussed; they are promoting the one world government and Agenda 2030
There is also a page dedicated to COVID 19 and Agenda 2030 sustainable goals.
I guess feeding & sheltering homeless wasn’t enough? Now they wanna join the overlords. Spread this and their support of CRT FAR AND WIDE Patriots!!
I can watch that for hours…😂👍🏽
You have to wonder if feeding and sheltering homeless wasn't a front....same as red cross seen video of boxes,and boxes of cash marked red cross. and of course they get blood don't they?
I question them all now mother Teresa was a man and although she had piles of donations she didn't use it on his patients..all went to the evil Pope in his satanic church...Google popes audience hall and the pope literally is sitting in the mouth of the snake. Boy lover symbols on his vestments .symbols of their true religion everywhere..
I wrote to a leading supermarket last year about asking customers for donations to Macmillan nurses pointing out that. most people approached while doing their shopping by the cashier are too embarrassed to refuse and I went into details a out the NHS . They never did it again and as far as I know none of the others did either. I pointed out that if I was an employee forced to ask for donations it would be against my contract with employer. which does not cover touting for money for NHS.and certainly Macmillan nurses would never see a penny of it
I urge you all to protest at every opportunity... I wrote to Aldi super market UK head office CEO about graphene in the masks and worm like fibres shown under microscope giving links to John Hopkins video showing this and Nuremberg codes pointing out medical devices..masks were against the code and playing propaganda over the tannoy 24/7 was classed. by nuremburg as torture. They supplied staff with blue cloth masks at least where I live. Interesting the response I got from other famous stores...zilch...
Silence gives consent...all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. The deep state try something and ifcno one protests they get bolder and bolder. Start writing things into law but they are tried out first for reaction... remember that
In the past people have pointed-out that the cash in those Red Cross boxes were Red Cross International, not per se RC USA. I call BS regardless. Our blood is often SOLD OVERSEAS for big bucks too. Now that half population has graphene & nanoparticulates & whatever else do you want THAT blood in you??!! Heck NO. This is a MAJOR ISSUE for every Pureblood!!! Also, this CRT is a direct insult to White peoples EVERYWHERE & SArmy will lose on this stance. Give em an EARFUL y’all?!!