I know I'm more likely than not, overreacting. But I still feel this way after my latest rabbit hole. It's nothing new to older people apparently since I actually found a few compilation articles on the topic, but the thought is still nagging at the back of my mind when I think about having a conversation IRL about it, or making a post on here about it.
Does anyone else get this way about stuff when they go down research rabbit holes?
I went through much the same process with the Earth is Flat thing.
Well, the same powers that be told me everything is on the up and up and the world is round.
Shit ain't anywhere near on the up and up so...
Since you and I will probably never leave the earth. We will never know if 8t is truly round or flat.
Sure,everything and everybody tells us its round. But they also tell us government is a good thing.
Hahaha! Ain’t it the truth!