President Trump...Mitch McConnell -- "He has Grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory! How this guy can stay as Leader is Beyond comprehension"

Trump needs to come out against the clot shot and stop screwing around.
I'm not going to lie I have been vastly unimpressed lately. I'm not dooming yet but I too can regurgitate what everyone in the party is thinking and at this point it is like yelling at the sky. I mean we have schiff around who was literally sleeping with a foreign spy and leaking Intel from the Intel committee...and he is still there. So don't count on anything being done, it seems action is too hard for anyone in power, it is far easier to write mean things and talk shit in interviews
Swallowswell, er swallwell.
Your saying your done with Trump because he’s not doing anything about all this, right now. Who said he’s in power? Who said he controls all these events? So who are you really upset with? Trump, or those who told you Trump is in control? I don’t think Trump is in control of anything. I think he’s a piece of the chess board, but not the only piece. It seems to me you want a target to throw your frustrations at. Trump would be an easy target. So would Q. So would me saying all this right now. Instead of grabbing a pitchfork, maybe just take a break from all of this. You say you trust our Lord and Savior and your husband. Good. Focus on God for awhile. You and your husband should go out of your way to brush off this whole world of crap right now. Spend that energy on serving God. Anyway you can think of. Heck, just start some projects at home or something. I recently was looking at cookware, like a hobo stove to make. Very easy.
Just unplug from all this. Come back and say hi once a week. It’s healthy. We’re glad your here. You are our family too. And we want you to be happy. I think God is going to make you more relaxed and a happier version of yourself soon. Me and you just have to breathe, and focus on what’s important. God Bless sister. ❤️🙏💯
That's not what they said. Trump is indeed in power. He's running the legit government in excile and can and will reinstall himself. That's why they're still going after him and trying to get his PEADs.
Everything Trump did in his 4 official years SCREAMS this. He has told us eveything, but we haven't listened very well.