This one is a series of letters from 2010, talking about a massive bank account with money to bail out the dollar system. Apparently Obama was blocking release of the funds, parts of it were getting stolen. Letters to the Queen asking her to intervene using her powers to compel Obama to release the money. I am halfway thru the document so far. Reads legit, but is mind boggling. It alleges Treason on Obama. There is a part where Biden says Obama is the puppet of GHWBush, and Biden admits he is compromised also. Lots to dig.
George Bush's father Herbert Walker Bush was the one who turned our White House and government over to the CIA after using the CIA to take out President Kennedy.
Obama was groomed from birth through the CIA to be president one day.
This is such old news it should not even be surprising. And if Biden wanted out he had 47 years to do so.
Getting out does not mean compromise yourself to the Chinese because you understand what's going on. If he wanted out because he knew better he would have never run for president to perpetuate more of this on the people.
Biden was already so compromised he couldn't get out when he wanted to but that is his own damn fault.