The status of belligerent operation ends when the conditions for its application are no longer met. Certain GC obligations with respect to occupied territory continue for the duration after the general close of military operations.
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From what I heard we have a deep prison in Antarctica already. Monkey werx mentioned it about 10 months ago. Makes Gitmo look like a spa.
yes many huge warm caverns inside of Antarctica under the ice, the nazis mapped them out in their uboats during the war and could sail right under Antarctica into them so never needed to go in from the surface.
There are also areas of Antarctica that are free of ice and lakes for example even though the mainstream still say there aren't any 300sq miles of ice free areas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x40A0sBL34
For Pete's sake. I have a 1978 book by Eliot Porter, "Antarctica," that includes photographs of the dry valleys discovered by Scott. This is not some hidden secret, though there are plenty of ignorant people out there.
No evidence of any ex-Nazi submarine glacial caves, and plenty of reason to doubt they could ever have existed. Kind of hard to sail into the hard continental rock mass. Nor any reason to think Nazi subs went this way.
You have to realize that the environment inside a WW2-era sub is dictated by the temperature of the surrounding water. The polar seawater has a temperature near 0 deg C (32 deg F). We normally reckon someone to have a poor survival prospect if they are dumped into water at 50 deg F. The crew on a submarine could not easily tolerate such temperatures. (They were not nuclear submarines with plenty of power available for heating.)
They were not dry there were warm water lakes there first of all caused by the geothermal heat.
You have to remember how massive Antarctica is they have not even scratched the surface, when you think how few people have been there compared to its vast size the idea we would just know where everything is unlikely, its larger than the us and mexico and has a 1mile to 3mile thick ice sheet on the top of it we have no idea of what is under there or at least not publicly known.
Also 80% of the ocean is unmapped so we have no idea about most of it especially deep underwater.
Also they are never going to tell you there is anything there as submarines and related stuff is kept a secret as they use the underwater caverns and trenches to hide subs in and sneak about you would have to go and have a look for yourself in your own sub :).
But it makes perfect sense that there are large caverns under the ice as there is pretty much everywhere else on earth, the whole earth is like a honeycomb of caverns.
The environment inside a WW2 sub as far as i know was hot and sweaty to the point it was pretty much unbearably hot when operating, so cold would not be a problem. Your talking about a 70m metal tube with 2x 2900kw engines on board it would be hot when its running.
Reading about modern subs are like this too but have AC in some areas to keep them cool and the electronics but the rest of the sub can get really hot like 30-35c. But some parts of the subs would be colder like the torpedo tubes for example.
I do hope that one day with all the Q stuff we actually get to know what happened and they start telling us the truth about all these things.
I wish i was around when people could ask Q questions to ask them, but at least Q said the aliens are real and its highest secrecy :).
Q said we are not alone....That does not translate into aliens are real.
The dry valleys were dry. That was 1978. Go argue with the people who were there. Volcanic hot springs are not the norm, and they would probably be associated with the West Antarctic archipelago/peninsula, not the main continent.
Yes, Antarctica is massive. It is a continent. But we have "scratched" the surface enough to establish research bases around and about, with aerial and orbital imagery. Pretty featureless, so oddities would stick out. But the snowfall tends to bury things. We also know about things like Lake Vostok (look it up) and have plans to investigate further.
The German submarines were accustomed to operate in the North Atlantic, below a line stretching from Great Britain to Newfoundland. Along that like the water mean temperature was between 55 and 59 deg F. This is 23-27 degrees warmer than the water in the Antarctic. My house is nice and warm when it is summer, but not so comfortable during the winter. Likewise with submarines. A metal hull has no insulation. Submerged operation was on batteries, not on Diesel engines, so there was no engine heat. (The electric motors might have warmed the engine compartment, but that would be it.)
But you leap into a logical fallacy. Just because we do not know everything about Antarctica is no reason to imagine that things exist for which there is no evidence. What underwater caverns and trenches? How do you propose that WW2-era submarines could navigate through underwater passages like Captain Nemo? They did not have imaging sonar. It is sheer fantasy.