HALLO ~ Threads like these are Great, BUT there's a HUGE difference between 20 - 60 year old MEN knowing where to get "generator + portable solar charger + Emergency hand-crank radio + Stock up on firewood now + a fallback/rendezvous location picked out just in case you and your family need to get the hell outta dodge + Have a go bag ready. + GUNS+AMMO."
disabled Elderly woman. - Instead of further neglect, You MEN should be writing about that... PLEASE....
HALLO ~ Threads like these are Great, BUT there's a HUGE difference between 20 - 60 year old MEN knowing where to get "generator + portable solar charger + Emergency hand-crank radio + Stock up on firewood now + a fallback/rendezvous location picked out just in case you and your family need to get the hell outta dodge + Have a go bag ready. + GUNS+AMMO."
disabled Elderly woman. - Instead of further neglect, You MEN should be writing about that... PLEASE....