Does anyone have any knowledge of whether all or any of these players are actually sick?
all vaxxd. are they hiding real issues from the vax?
are they all "asymptomatic" ?
did they get saline instead of the poison and this is another fear porn attempt aimed at more lcokdowns?
what's the angle here bc all i see is 100% vaxd are effected?
they say most are asymptomatic. thats why they talked about a the recent winter meetings to not have such a long hold out for asymptomatic players which is a lot of them..
Its the PCR tests its always been the PCR tests.
Remember, NFL is infiltrated.
I'm just trying to understand what angle they're trying to play on us here
They are part of the psyop, whether knowingly or not, just like the corporate officers who want to trample on peoples' rights to prove how woke they are. Get a pat on the back from the dullards out there.
exactly. they are following their orders. "outbreak" will cause what? more lockdowns , more lockdowns = more control.
thats the script.
How do they explain the fact that 100% are jabd while pushing more mandates
They don't give a damn about facts.
Current postponements in the football (soccer) leagues too:
I think it's just testing, testing, testing, ramp up the cycles to make the fakedemic look bad again. Could be vax hurt though...
Some of them have to be worried by now, seeing a whole tranche of colleagues drop down on the pitch. Maybe makes you want to run about a little less if you've been hoodwinked into vaxxing...
I read 67% are asymptomatic