We will know …from everyone’s Internet posting history..who are the true and right people to install in powers of leadership…from the school boards, to our police and judges, our teachers, doctors, journalists, councilmen, mayors, senators, premiers, presidents and prime ministers.
Wow. Farsighted thinker, you are. [Edit: on re-reading, that Yoda-phrased comment sounds like it might be sarcasm. It isn't; it's heartfelt, and I apologize if it sounded otherwise]. Your idea has surprising and positive impact to me. What a relief it would be to have a better chance at putting our trust in those who are worthy -- not just politicians but as you say teachers, doctors, etc. They are nearly ALL so corrupt now.
Wow. Farsighted thinker, you are. [Edit: on re-reading, that Yoda-phrased comment sounds like it might be sarcasm. It isn't; it's heartfelt, and I apologize if it sounded otherwise]. Your idea has surprising and positive impact to me. What a relief it would be to have a better chance at putting our trust in those who are worthy -- not just politicians but as you say teachers, doctors, etc. They are nearly ALL so corrupt now.