I know this sucks, it sucks for all of us. Stop looking to courts or politicians to fix this. Do not comply and hold the fucking line! They are desparate to force the jab on us. Why so desperate? Like they need us to take it very soon or they lose. I can't explain how that logic would work, but it feels like they must have us take the jab.
If the cabal was in full control they could be more patient. They are flailing and lashing out.
We will win. hold the damn line! Whatever happens next may not be our plan or Q's plan, but it is God's plan. And I know God wants me to defend my country, defend my family, and defend Jesus' holy name. We will win brothers and sisters, continue holding the line until it is time to fight. You will know if that time is upon us.
Edit: P.S. I am not shitting on doomers, I have been in their shoes from time to time.
I don't believe the Military is coming. There's no way the military would sit this long while fellow citizens are dying and having their lives destroyed just to get people to see and wake up. If we don't save ourselves, the American experiment is over. Devolution is psychological warfare to get people to sit back and wait while they destroy everything. I know this sounds like dooming. But if we don't start thinking about this possibility, we will not be able to react. I do admit i am getting tired.
Zoomer military is cucked as hell too
My parents are boomers. I told them that their children are so morbid because of the way they grew up with boomers so spoiled. Their parents just fought a war. They wanted to protect their kids so they kids went nuts thinking everything is always fine so let’s dance, let’s be hippies, let’s let go of our health, let’s not pay attention to finances we own everything.
Plus there’s so many of them they are bankrupting Medicare and placing huge burdens on the hospitals who only lose money because these people were so spoiled and lazy. They didn’t know how to parent, they thought angels parented kids. Tv parented their kids. They never grew up and still all hang around together in whatever boomer groups they can imagine.
Gen X, me, grew up hiding in our rooms and smoking pot to get away from them. Most spoiled generation ever.
Wow. Sorry your parents sucked. Don't paint all 'Boomers' with the same, broad brush. I'm a Boomer. Worked my ass off. Was not spoiled. No one paid for my college. Got nothing for free. Started working at age 17. Didn't become a hippy. Didn't do drugs, smoke or drink. Was athletic and stayed fit. Bought my own home, cars and everything else. I'm a girl and I still managed to plant my own bushes and flowers, seed my grass, mow, trim and manicure my own yard, painted my own house, sewed my drapes, laid my own tile, hung my own wallpaper. Bought, fixed and flipped 4 houses before age 28, while working full-time. I didn't have a weekend off for 8 years. Packed my lunch for work. Drank coffee from the free pot. Handwashed my drycleanables because I couldn't afford dry cleaning. Washed my car by hand. My pennies were pinched so tight, I only allowed myself to spend 25 cents on one can of pop from the discounted employees vending machine each day. I bought things on lay-a-way and paid on time and took it home only when it was paid for.
I never had a maid, a cook, or a housekeeper. (Finally hired a lawn man at age 47 when my mother died. I just couldn't do it anymore). Didn't take a vacation for 14 years. Scrimped and saved. My health was paramount. I didn't squander it.
Husband was the same - got his education and worked. He didn't drink or smoke or do drugs. Wore a suit and tie to work. Saved his money. He and I waited to have children until we were financially set. Made sure they learned everything and got really good grades, very limited TV, enrolled in numerous sports, were respectful, etc. We paid for their college, supervised them constantly and made sure they graduated. Both are smart, kind, responsible and hard-working young adults. Neither drink soft drinks or alcohol, nor drugs, nor smoke. Both are extremely fit, both are conservative. They are my legacy.
Thank you for sticking up for us. I fall into your category. And yes, it does make me sick to see people my age looking like hell, fat, dumpy, in motorized wheel chairs, but just about everybody looks that way today - from kids ages on up.
I love my parents and all people. It was tongue in cheek. Usually people blame the younger generation. I try my hand at blaming the older one. People change because circumstances change. As we stop doing hard labor we have to get up and move.
Everyone I see in the hospital with Covid is overweight, and this may look like normal weight to most people but we’ve been so used to people looking this way we don’t understand how bad it is for us. Booms also started the gym crazy once they figured out they had to do something about it. But even 25 overweight is bad for you and raises risks.
Older people have a paradox where if you are a bit overweight you’re healthier, this is because fat supplies hormones. Look at young gymnasts. They have no hormones. But we can replace and encourage them and benefit from being the right weight.
I do think boomers have represented a lot of what I said but not all boomers, of course. In general. You can’t take offense on the internet for generalizations. And if you did I certainly apologize.
My generation is even more lazy and we are a bunch of potheads to wit.
Boomers were the first generation to be primarily overweight. I took care of their parents and a lot of old World War Two vets. I nursed them as they died. This is the greatest generation, full of wisdom. They told war stories quietly, because they didn’t want people to know how horrible the world can be.
They all dressed to the nines and had good taste in music. They valued respect, for oneself first then others. They built a strong country based on hard work and reality while their kids started crazy business ideas that turned into Ponzi schemes. Television advertisements. Wacky ass ideas. They decimated the institution of marriage, traditional values that were based on common sense in exchange for floral mumus they danced in naked underneath while chubby and sporting pit hair because no one can make them do any work.
I’d say this whole generation is responsible for the demise of our country and I just try to remember they are on their last lap.