You get sued and lose. Can get very costly especially if they sustain injuries, and medical bills. Most people get the "Liability insurance" for this reason, it is not required though. There is also "Uninsured Motorist" insurance you can get that helps you if some one hits you and they don't have insurance. I think that one helps if you get damage from "hit and run" in parking lots too.
The uninsured motorist insurance is important in other places too, although not usually required.
It is useful in any circumstance where another driver hits you, and is not insured properly. Remember, just because it is the law, doesn't mean that the law is followed (if we ban guns, only criminals have guns).
This could come up in a variety of situations, such as a 12 year old taking a joy ride in his dad's car, then hitting you, the owner's insurance then decides not to cover because of the obviously unlicensed driver. Another case, a lot of illegals drive with no insurance
In Miami-Dade county many people drive with no insurance and no license.
No car insurance? So what happens if you wipe out someone else's car?
You get sued and lose. Can get very costly especially if they sustain injuries, and medical bills. Most people get the "Liability insurance" for this reason, it is not required though. There is also "Uninsured Motorist" insurance you can get that helps you if some one hits you and they don't have insurance. I think that one helps if you get damage from "hit and run" in parking lots too.
The uninsured motorist insurance is important in other places too, although not usually required.
It is useful in any circumstance where another driver hits you, and is not insured properly. Remember, just because it is the law, doesn't mean that the law is followed (if we ban guns, only criminals have guns).
This could come up in a variety of situations, such as a 12 year old taking a joy ride in his dad's car, then hitting you, the owner's insurance then decides not to cover because of the obviously unlicensed driver. Another case, a lot of illegals drive with no insurance
In Miami-Dade county many people drive with no insurance and no license.