Shhh, be vewy, vewy qwuiet... Tip-toe through this Reddit r/Canada thread and watch in amazement all the double-vaxxed Canadians slowly wake up and politely say, "We're all so totally done with this nonsensical, fake and gay, anti-science lockdown horseshit." YA LOVE TO SEE IT!
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️
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We are so far ahead of these people.
i used to want to be friendly with canadians because they were my neighbors, but after years of trying to deal with them, its become apparent that canadians are basically the same limp-wristed, blue haired, endlessly apologetic, arrogant, ignorant liberals that the US has, but somehow they are even worse!
Well.. we are en entire society based around "sorry." The school system is ridiculously biased towards the left, the fact that anyone here - that's gone through the school system - can come out central viewed, let alone right sided, is a miracle.
Canada needs a full rework. Constitution Republic, inalienable rights, the works. Canada is proof that if power is consolidated in one location, it leaves another location powerless.
Ya, i lived in canadia for a couple years, 2 years before covid hit, when i arrived my first thought was, this place is ripe for the taking, and it is being took. my canadian colleague, older gentlemen, great guy, didn't know what i was talking about... but by the time l left, he came to me and said he understood now, what i was saying. and he was pissed.
This was in vancouver so not real canad, i know i know, but thats sort of the point, many countries are no longer the same as the people are no longer from, wanting to belong, nor part of the land. We have same issues in USA.
I will not abandon our canadian frens, that land is just too valuable, heck the first canadian settlement/city in that area was solely placed to stop americans from collecting those beaver pelts and all the other natural resources. I would love to see our northern neighbors cast off the yoke of the crown and follow something more like the USA constitution (i wish we would go back to following it...). You are already have a great starting point, ironically those assholes in quebec may just be the saviors of canadia.
The good thing about the french is love their culture and don't want to see it die to the English. Unfortunately they don't seem to care about the gimmigrants that our government invites as much as they should..
We definitely need to break our ties with the crown, it doesn't benefit us anymore The way I see it, we're still just a colony. Ontario and Quebec are "Canada" everything else is just a land claim that feeds resources to them. I'm a little biased toward the treatment of Alberta in the past, but without a doubt it's happened to other provinces and territories. It's time for the power to be brought to the people.
The "covid measures" haven't affected enough people personally until now... MOST people here, got the clot shot to "go back to normal." Some got it so they could travel for Christmas, but Supreme Leader Trudeau says you shouldn't do that. Which, thankfully he did that, I haven't seen anything wake so many Canadians up more than that.
After they blamed the uncompliant for the government moving the goal posts, and practically removed the ability for the unjabbed to participate in society. They have zero logical explanation as to why there is an "Omnicron Outbreak" in Canada, besides what "conspiracy theorists" have been saying the whole time.. how did covid get in Canada? United States?The only ones deemed "safe to travel" are the vaccinated
TLDR; Candians are selfish and only care about stuff that DIRECTLY affects them. About time it started to do that...
From all the footage and hearsay of all the anti lockdown protests that happen in Toronto, I think it's likely that ontarians are going to be leading the charge with this revolution. Considering most of the population of Ontario is in Toronto and Ottowa, I find it refreshing to see how based the CITY folk there are.
I hope people realize that even though they complied and "did everything right," that "normal" we once knew is gone. We are fighting for the future now, and it comes down to what the normies choose; freedom or slavery.