Am in Maidstone - lots of mask wearing but I don't get challenged one bit. Want to go to Chatham, I think they see through this crap.
Had a lovely chat with old lady in Sainsburys yesterday. She wasn't wearing a mask and I just said to her 'just wanted to say it takes courage not wearing a mask doesn't it, well done'. Didn't want to come across in any way patronising, it sounds totally crap writing that, but looked her straight in the eye, paused and nodded and she stood up tall and smiled and said 'we stay strong and we stick together'. We shared a moment. It made me feel fantastic and I needed to hear that. As she left the shop she said to me as I was struggling with the self checkout, 'stay strong my dear'.
Some people on doors of shops and I walk straight in look at them and they don't say a word. Want to go to king of Covidian stores Costco at Lakeside as all my altercations happen there for some reason.
Yes people still defo wearing masks, but just saying in my local co-op it's a lot less than last time the Gov mandated them. So on the whole looks like more people waking up!
Keep it coming - every day let more and more people see what we see. Maidstone Aldi loads of people are un-gimped. It defo is less people wearing them than last time and way less fear shown of Rona, just anger at Boris. Love the push for Christmas No 1 lol!!!!
Hmm. I'm noticing a lot less masks in supermarkets and no security guards enforcing masks here in Bromley
Am in Maidstone - lots of mask wearing but I don't get challenged one bit. Want to go to Chatham, I think they see through this crap.
Had a lovely chat with old lady in Sainsburys yesterday. She wasn't wearing a mask and I just said to her 'just wanted to say it takes courage not wearing a mask doesn't it, well done'. Didn't want to come across in any way patronising, it sounds totally crap writing that, but looked her straight in the eye, paused and nodded and she stood up tall and smiled and said 'we stay strong and we stick together'. We shared a moment. It made me feel fantastic and I needed to hear that. As she left the shop she said to me as I was struggling with the self checkout, 'stay strong my dear'.
Some people on doors of shops and I walk straight in look at them and they don't say a word. Want to go to king of Covidian stores Costco at Lakeside as all my altercations happen there for some reason.
Yes people still defo wearing masks, but just saying in my local co-op it's a lot less than last time the Gov mandated them. So on the whole looks like more people waking up!
Keep it coming - every day let more and more people see what we see. Maidstone Aldi loads of people are un-gimped. It defo is less people wearing them than last time and way less fear shown of Rona, just anger at Boris. Love the push for Christmas No 1 lol!!!!