54 Netherlands to impose hard lockdown effective from tomorrow until at least January 14th (gab.com) posted 3 years ago by Puncake150 3 years ago by Puncake150 +54 / -0 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Isn't it interesting that these satanists always find a way to try to diminish Christian Holy Days. My God will not be mocked.
Christmas is a pagan holiday, but I see your point. I think they are trying to just wear people down.
They are trying to break the people by taking away Christmas.
But we know 'at least January 14th' is a big fat lie
Good luck with that!
I've got 2 lips that say no.
When will the people stand up and say “NO MORE”?! Lockdowns don’t work and actually make things worse. Sweden proved that to us on a massive scale.