It never fails, you put together a few Q drops that seem to align with each other and you get the anti-date fagging people crawling out of the woodwork.
Who was it that allowed these people decide our topics of discussion? It seems to me the entire community has diverted away from talking about Q drops. Perhaps the diversion is from all the anti date fagging replies you get after pointing out some connections laid down on the Q board. Maybe its not the date fagging they don't like, maybe its the Q drops themselves.
Here is the post I made couple days ago:
You can see all the anti-date fag responses even though I clearly said, "I'm not saying anything will happen, just pointing out some connections I saw." You would think if you put a disclaimer at the bottom of your post that you are not confirming a upcoming event would be enough to keep the anti-date fags away. Nope.
Almost seems like a covert attempt to stop people from talking about the Q board and less like a issue with date fagging.
One of the responses called me a Fed, lol. However, wouldn't it be more like a Fed to discourage discussion about Q drops?
Anyone trying to stifle discussion connecting Q drops within a community with the soul purpose of discussing Q drops, in my eyes looks suspicious. Who is the real Fed?
Supposedly, Q drops hurts people's feelings when they don't come true? Is this not a Marxist tactic that has been used all along? Protecting normies feelings? Are we going to allow their Marxist infiltration here? How did we allow this?
So, we have normies coming here looking for direction and we can't point out Q drop and make connections to certain dates because of the possibility it will drive the normies away? Does anyone really believe that?
The normies are coming here because they see people talking about the Q board topics and how they are playing out in current events.
Normies are going to get all the confirmation they need that Biden is a failure from Biden himself. The pedophile theories are exposing themselves. The panic in DC is front and center.
I really don't care about your feelings. Life is filled with let downs. The trick is to have the mental capacity to move on and not run in to a dark room, punch yourself in the head with a closed fist when you get disappointed.
There was another reply that thought I was giving up secrets to the deepstate demise, lol. If these Q drops were not intended to be part of open forum analysis, they would have never been made public. I assume Soros has a team of brainiacs sifting through these Q drops. There is nothing I can say that they don't already know or they haven't already thought about. The fact is, NCSWIC.
There are a few posts from Q that says, 80% will be covert, 20% will be public.
Shit happens every day that we are unaware of. When you make a prediction based on Q drops, who is to say it didn't happen, it was just part of the 80%. If we decide to voluntarily cut out 80% of the topics to discuss because they will never be confirmed, leaves us very little to discuss.
Stop letting people control your free speech, talk about whatever you want.
Merry Christmas to you my frens!!!
Because fuck all you lying assholes, that's why. No datefag has EVER turned out correct. Also only an idiot would insist someone prove a negative.